A Dinner Date and the Interrupted Kiss

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I went out to the ring when my music hit. I loved  the rush I get from feeling the crowd's energy as they cheer for their favorite superstars and divas. As I get to the ring I hear Lita's theme start to blast through the speakers. Looks like it's gonna be an easy match tonight.

1... 2... 3... And your winner by pin fall is Harley!

I get up and flash a smile to the crowd as I walk up the ramp. Know that that's over with I can officially get ready for my "date" with Kane. I got out of the shower and slid into my ripped jeans and my Nirvana t-shirt along with my black high tops. I finish applying my make-up and pack up my bag. I leave my locker room and head over to my hotel room to drop off my gear. Not long after I drop off my things I hear a knock on the door. I compose myself as much as I can as I open the door. The second I do I'm met by the most dazzling eyes. He looked so nervous in his blue jean and tight black dress shirt. He looked amazing. 

"You look great" he said shyly.

"So do you" I replied.

We drove to this little restaurant outside the big lights of New York City. As we sat down at our table and ordered our drinks we started to talk about ourselves and our pasts. As he told me about growing up in Missouri and never really getting to visit big cities like New York I couldn't help but fall into his eyes. They were just so hypnotizing. As we finished our food the conversation shifted towards me.

"So what about you?" he asked.

"Well I grew up not even an hour from New York so I'm used to the city. I had a pretty small lifestyle since I only grew up with my dad and my brother. My mother passed away when I was just a baby."

"That must've sucked"

"Not really since I never knew her, but it was difficult going through puberty when my dad was just as clueless as I was," We both chuckled. "But yeah, high school was the best though. I had a boyfriend from the end of my freshman year until I graduated which was nice. He had a band and I played with them on occasion."

"What instrument?"


"Wow nice," he said. "How was college?"

"Uh not the best. I went through a lot especially with my boyfriend at the time. But I don't really like talking about it."

"Well then we don't have to talk about it. It's getting late anyway so I should probably get you back to your room."


We drove back telling each other funny stories from our childhood and just enjoying each other's company. When we got to my hotel room I didn't want to say goodbye. 

"I had a really great time with you tonight. I really enjoyed getting to spend time with you outside of the gym." He chuckled.

"Me too, I'm glad you had as much fun as I did" As we looked into each others eyes we started to lean closer to each other. Right as our lips were going to finally meet in the middle the door to my hotel room swung open.

"Well isn't this a surprise" I looked up in astonishment and horror.


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