
23 1 0

I'm drowning and hoping

losing my mind in your embrace

I don't want to be saved

We are all a nervous strung up mess of a band. I'm pulled taught and my hands for the first time in years are shaking. This is our first gig since the meetings started with the record labels and even though we still hadn't made a decision we wanted to prove that we could do this. I look over at Ridley whose lost his usual cocky personality and he gives me a weary smile in return. 

Right then.

 It's time to rally the troops. "Ok boys." I say and they all turn to look at me before walking closer. "This is one of our biggest shows to date and I know we are all feeling the nerves." Drake gives me a sour look but I can see the tension in his shoulders and neck. None of us were much for the touchy feely crap but I feel the need to say something.

"No matter what we are more than a band." I look around at all of them; my family for as long as I can remember. "And always will be. We have worked our asses off for this and there's nothing left to do but kick ass."

Drake rubs away a fake tear. "That was the most touching speech you have ever given." I punch his arm and try not to laugh. "Shut up you idiot. I was trying to be inspiring." At that we crack up, the kind of crazy laughter that is mixed with nerves and instantly we are relaxing.

"His right" Ridley says. "Let's go kick some ass."

We go back to our instruments and I'm just about done tuning my guitar when a guy comes up to me. From the way he is dressed I know him to be part of the stage crew. "Your the lead singer of Misconceptions right?" I raise an eyebrow. The guy takes this as a yes and tells us we are on in fifteen minutes. I turn back to look at the guys. They look shit scared but there is a determination in their gazes that fuels my own. I nod knowing deep in my gut that we can do this.

We head out onto the stage together to the sound of mass applause. Ridley and I share a look of surprise as we take our places. The lights are dimmed but as soon as we are in place they flash on and I feel this rush of adrenalin kick into my blood stream. "How you doing?" The crowd roars at the sound of my voice and I feel my heart kick alive inside my chest. "We are Misconceptions." Drake starts the sound of our opening song and we all launch into it.

My lips are turned up in my cocky smirk as I lure the crowd with my eyes. They move to the beat of our song as if they are spellbound. I feel the music come alive in them and it is all I have dreamt about and more. We are half way through our set when I finally spot her, she's wearing cut off shorts that show off her shapely tanned legs and this patterned top that draws your eyes to her boobs. I can see other guys watching her too but I'm not fazed. Mainly because she is ignoring all of them as she dances happily with her friends.

As if feeling my gaze on her she turns and meets my eyes. I soften my smile for her and she smiles back. Our song ends and a wicked grin comes to my face knowing what's next. "We going to do a cover now that I hope you all enjoy." I wink and the girls beneath me go crazy. I laugh turning to look at Ridley. His smirking with me and shaking his head at the same time. This is insane.

Ridley and I start the song before Drake and Isaac join us. I grab the mike and feel the beat vibrate through me. This is who I am. "There where you laying don't make a sound." The crowd roars and I start moving across the stage dancing with enough sex appeal that it draws them to me. Up there maybe for the first time ever I feel like an actual rock star.

I look straight at Maddie and she's blushing as she watches me. "Girl this sex on fire." I sing right to her and if possible she get's redder. I wink and turn away going back to my crazy routine as I strum my guitar. The last note resounds across the stage and the lights go dark. "Thank you" I say. "We are Misconceptions." The crowd goes insane screaming for an encore that we are not allowed to give. I turn to look at the guys and we all start laughing hysterically as we walk off stage.

"That was insane." Isaac says and we all nod in agreement. Drake swings an arm around my shoulder and shakes me. "What was that you sneaky bastard? Who knew you could charm the socks off a crowd?"

I shrug. "That's part of the rockstar image isn't it?"

Ridley looks at me with something akin to pride in his eyes. He nods at me as if to say I knew you could do it all along. "We are going to be huge." Drake exclaims just as our manager walks over to us. Drake runs over and hugs him. I shake my head as I walk away from them but Drake's voice follows which means his still walking with David in his arms. "Dave you are a genius for getting us this gig."

I look back in time to see Drake put him down. Dave shrugs. "It was a lot easier than you think. You guys are becoming more of a household name."

We head to the makeshift dressing room and start packing up our instruments just as we hear a loud screech. I immediately cringe. "Oh dear God please tell me you didn't." I say scowling at Ridley. As soon as I finish my sentence Monique comes crashing through the door and straight into Ridley's arms. I sigh at the dopey look on his face. If she didn't make him so darn happy I would be more against this relationship. To my surprise Monique is not alone, Carrie and Maddie come in behind her and I look over at Isaac as he frowns at his phone. "The security guy won't let Gabby in. I'm going to see what's going on." I nod to show that I've heard him and his quick to disappear out the door.

Maddie doesn't hesitate in moving towards me and pulling me into a hug. I stiffen in surprise before relaxing and pulling her closer to me. She smells amazing and I bury my face into her hair. She feels even more amazing in my arms. As if realising what she just did she takes a step back and blushes. I reluctantly release her. "You guys were amazing."

"Thank you." I say smiling softly down at her.

She looks up into my eyes smiling shyly. "Especially you Sage. You were a true rock star up there." I want to tell her how alive I felt being up on stage. How finding her in the crowd was probably the best part of the show. I want to tell her that up there I truly felt as if I had touched people with my music.

Before I can though Monique is making a sound again and showing Ridley something on her phone. "Sage you have to see this." He calls to me. I give him an annoyed look but brush past Maddie anyway. Her smile instantly vanishes and I feel like shit. This better be good.

Monique beams at me and I manage not to scowl at her. She presses play and suddenly there we are up on stage and I see exactly what Maddie was talking about. "I'm going to post it on youtube." Monique tells us and I move away before I say something Ridley will kill me for.

I immediately head back over to Maddie and tug on her arm. She looks up at me as I pull her away from everyone else. "I'm glad you liked it." I tell and genuinely mean it. She's giving me that look again as if she can't decide what to make of us or me. Give me time Maddie.

As if hearing my silent plea her stance relaxes and she's smiling at me once again. What I wouldn't give to keep that expression on her face. "I meant every word." I suddenly get an idea and look up at the rest of the band. "Hey you guys want to check out the rest of the festival?" I ask. Everyone nods in agreement and starts filing out the door. I pull out my phone and dial Isaac but he doesn't answer. I phone Gabby next and look up in time to see Maddie waiting for me. Before I can think about it I'm taking her hand in my free one.

"Hey Gabs." I say as she picks up. Maddie looks up at me with a look I can't decipher and I give her a confused look as I listen to Gabby. "Hi Sage. I'm sorry but I'm not feeling very well and Isaac insisted on taking me home."

"Of course he did." I tell her chuckling. She doesn't sound very good either. Her voice has lost it's excitement. "But you guys were amazing." She says. I lead Maddie effortlessly through the back stage area but she seems upset about something. "Thanks Gabby. Tell Isaac to take good care of you. I'll see you some time in the week then." Gabby relays my message to Isaac laughing a little and says her goodbyes. I hang up and place my phone in my pocket.

I tug on Maddie's hand till she looks at me. "Sorry about that. I was just checking on Isaac."

She frowns in concern. "Is he alright?"

"Yeah his fine. His girlfriend isn't feeling very well." Suddenly Maddie's eyes light up in recognition and she blushes lightly. I'm still confused but decide to ignore her odd behaviour as I lead her out into the fresh air and the sounds of music coming to life.

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