
731 10 0

Evelyn Felicity Smith

15 years old

Blonde hair- like the sun
Blue eyes- tesseract blue

Powers: Mind reader; super-fast speed; manipulate space; teleportation; can create spells; can create walls; can clone herself; appear in more than one place at one time (in a dream, lying down on the sofa in Stark's tower, you could teleport your dream self to a place you would like to go.)


The space gem's most basic powers allow one to teleport themselves and others any place they can picture in their mind regardless of distance or preventive measures such as walls or spells.
It can increase the speed of the user.
Its more powerful abilities allow one to appear in multiple places at once or altering the distance between objects contrary to the laws of physics. At its peak when used in conjunction with the other gems it allows its user to be at all places in the universe at once simultaneously.

The Tesseract • L.LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now