Red wolf runt

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As I ran over to Kootra before she left on a hunting trip with her mate Frankie. I was pinned by Kootra I guess she snuck up on me when I wasn't looking she is good at that. Kootra I said laughing why are you here you should be with Frankie hunting? He is already gone?. Well I let Clara go she was so wanting to go and.....what? I blurt out. Oh beathany the thing is Frankie is not my m-m-mate anymore. OMG Kootra I'm so sorry why did it happen.

Kootra speaking:

Should I tell her uhh I don't know it may....No I'll tell her but how.... Kootra I herd beathany bark out literally.
Hu oh yea uh we just g-got in a fight and so yea. Ok?' I herd beathany say oddly. Beathany speaking: ugh she is hiding something from me but what could it be?" Uhh Kootra please tell me the truth c-mon I winned to Kootra. Fine beathany the thing is that my dad blaze made me you know what because he is making me the alpha.OMG I had here'd beathany say again. Calm down beathany please let me finish. Any way I'm so hyped and I'm going to make you my beta my best wolf and friend. OMG I had herd beathany say once again.
A few hours later.
Beathany speaking:
  Well I'm so hyped and worried Kootra has been speaking to her dad/ alpha blaze for a long time. What if something happend I know blaze has a big temper but Kootra is his daughter he can't be that rough on her can he?

Kootra speaking:

Dad are you kidding me I'm going to be the new alpha so why can't beathany be my beta. Sweetie you know red wolves always mean bad luck. Dad please come on if I'm going to be alpha. Shut it Kootra the answer is no and that's final ok. ok fine.

Beathany speaking:

But but you said. I know what I said but my dad says I can't and I can't be friends with you any more so bye oh and beathany you aren't an one of the alphas any more your a runt. B-but I studder out but Kootra is gone and I'm alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2015 ⏰

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