forgiven allies

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Me and Aria turned around. It was adagio and sonata! As unicorns...
"Look I'm sorry. I feel really bad. So to make it up to you I will help defeat nightmare moon" adagio said as she looked down.
I could feel that she was sorry.
"Ok I will forgive you. Now give us details!" I said.
"Well the kingdom is invisible. It was pushed beyond time and existence. It's like there and it's not." Adagio explained.
"So how do we go beyond space and time?" Aria quivered.
"You will only get back if you find the crown. Aria must put it on. I think I can open a portal." Sonata said.
"The portal has to be at the location." Adagio snapped.
"But it said the kingdom was here. Where ponyville was." Aria pointed out.
"Ok then. Let's go outside to do this" adagio gestured for the exit.
We went in to the humid outside world. The wind blew nightmare moon flags from a few buildings, wearing down architecture.
Adagio and sonata squeezed their eyes shut and their horns started to glow. The energy began to mix, forming a portal.
"Go!" Said sonata as we dashed through In a leap.
"Good luck Aria" adagio said softly with a smile.

Daughter of the Alicorns 4: Battle for the CrownWhere stories live. Discover now