Warrior cats: Snowfall's Second Chance

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Snowkit felt himself falling faster and faster. He remembered how it happened all too well.


Snowkit tossed the mossball into the air again, pouncing on it as it fell. He didn't notice the queens rushing the kits into the nursery, or Speckletail waving her tail madly for Snowkit to go into the nursery. He just continued playing with the mossball. 

Suddenly, he felt sharp claws gripping him and starting to raising him above the ground. Speckletail pelted out from the shelter of the nursery and leaped at the thing carrying him, gripping it with strong claws.

But the thing did something and made her loose grip and raised Snowkit higher and higher. Speckletail looked like she was yowling and wailing with greif as the thing carried him away. Snowkit wanted to tell her that it was okay, the ride wasn't that scary,  but he couldn't. He just tried to wave a little bit as he was carried further from Thunderclan's camp.


Snowkit hadn't realized what the thing was until a long time later.


Snowkit wanted to get off this ride, though it was cool. He waved his tail. In his signals, he was saying he wanted down. He ususally used this when Speckletail would pick him up, but he thought now would be the time to use it.

The thing didn't even budge at the movement. Just screeched loudly and kept flying. Snowkit looked up, signaling again but stopped. He realized that this wasn't a ride at all. This was a hawk! Snowkit wailed loudly and the hawk looked at him with glaring eyes. 

Oh no, Snowkit thought. This hawk had thought that Snowkit was dead and wanted him as a meal! Now the hawk would kill him!

But Snowkit wasn't going to die easily. He had to escape! He thought of nothing else to do, so he bit down on the hawk's nearest talon. The hawk screeched and released it's grip, sending Snowkit plummeting to the ground.


Snowkit knew this had to be the end. But he did not know that this was not the end, but the beginning! His new destiny had only seconds to begin! And Sunclan would help him start it.

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