Chapter 1

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Snowkit padded in the light forest. He had been here once before... but only when a nice cat named Spottedleaf had come to tell him he was deaf, and could not here.

"Spottedleaf?" He called out, his voice was small but loud. Snowkit could hear in his dreams, he didn't know how though.

"Spottedleaf!" Snowkit cried again, becoming worried.

"Spottedl-" he was hushed as a bushy tail swept over his muzzle. It was Spottedleaf!

"Spottedleaf! Hi!" He greeted her. She was so nice! He had thought many times about mentioning his dreams to Bluestar, but always woke up deaf and couldn't hear. Who knows what he would say? Probably Blewstir, Aih ada drea mabo ut ac atn amed Spotidlerf. He shook his head. And he wouldn't be able to hear her responce either, even if he did say it correctly.

"Welcome, Snowkit. You are in the ranks of Starclan, once again. I do not know how, but you are always able to find me when I'm in Starclan. I can always hear you, here." Spottedleaf mewed, her tail tip twitching excitedly.

"Wait.... am I dead?" Snowkit gasped. He parted his jaws, about to let out a wail of fear, but Spottedleaf stopped him once more.

"You are not dead. Nearly, but not. In fact, Sunclan cats are helping you get well right now." Spottedleaf explained kindly, slightly amused.

"Sunclan? What in the name of all mice is Sunclan? Is it like Starclan? Are you sure I'm not dead?" A flow of questions came out of Snowkit's mouth. Spottedleaf laughed.

"Sunclan is a clan.. that, well... here. I'll have to show you. It is not like Starclan, and you are not dead. Follow me, and you will find out." Spottedleaf signaled for him to follow her. As soon as Snowkit started walking, the trees grew darker, but not black. He realized they where in Thunderclan's forest at night time... but the trees seemed smaller. As if they had become younger.

"Welcome to Thunderclan, back when the warrior code had only just been thought of." Spottedleaf welcomed, her gaze locked on the camp. She beckoned him with a wave of her tail and Snowkit followed her into the camp. Snowkit wanted to race to the nursery and find Speckletail, but he knew that he wouldn't find her, and that wasn't the reason Spottedleaf had brought him here. She led him behind the warriors den. Surprised, Snowkit saw two warriors talking to eachother. He listened closely, drowning out all the other noise.

"Why did you want to meet here now? I was just about to finish with organizing the herbs!" The first cat, a small white she-cat with black paws and black ears complained.

"Smallpaw, you know why. Remember the plan?" The second cat, a brown tabby tom asked.

"Right then. I will miss Thunderclan, but I always knew my path was layed out for me. And it is not to be fulfilled here. I know you're right, Stripewhisker." Smallpaw whispered. Her eyes where bright but her voice was dark as she spoke.

"Let's go to the gathering, the others will be waiting there. Then we can set off." Stipewhisker instructed. Smallpaw nodded and followed Stripewhisker out of the camp. Once again, as soon as Snowkit took a step, he was at a different time and place. This place, he didn't recognize. There was four tall oak trees and a giant rock in the middle of them. He gasped. Four trees! They where at Four trees! Eight shapes emerged from different directions, and raced down a slope to the giant rock.

"I guess it is decided then?" The one called Smallpaw asked, whiskers twitching. The other seven nodded all at once.

"Then let's go." One of the cats meowed. Without any objections, they raced away.

"I'm afraid that is all that's in Starclan's seeing. We cannot go to the time and place where they settled and split, but I can explain it." Spottedleaf mewed quietly. They where back in Starclan again.

"The cats had an argument as to where they would settle. At first, they all settled where Thunderclan, at the time Sunclan, is now. But then, the former Shadowclan, Riverclan, and Windclan cats became tired of being in the sun all the time, even though they where sheltered by the forest. They still all felt too vulnerable. So one day, they just split." Spottedleaf began, her voice trembled at some parts, but she didn't stop.

"The cats who where in Riverclan, decided that they would settle next to Sunclan. There was a beautiful forest there, and I've heard that all the rogues and loners who where in that territory, joined what was now called Rainclan just because they would be protected, they would protect, and they would have eachother's backs. There was a small river there, but the journey had made them used to forest prey, and they no longer had much taste for fish. The Shadowclan cats settled next to Rainclan. They drove out the rogues and loners, and only the ones who where brave enough to ask to join where allowed to after they proved their loyalty. The former Shadowclan cats didn't like the idea that they had to give up their Shadowclan title, so they replaced it with a similar one, Darkclan." Snowkit was amazed that they split up. They had become so close! He would have said something about it, but Spottedleaf was still talking, so he wouldn't be rude.

"Finally, Windclan settled in the moor next to Sunclan and Darkclan. When they got there, it was really foggy. But they began to see everything in the territory. So they named their new clan Cloudclan." Spottedleaf concluded.

"Wow!" Snowkit squeaked.

"It must have been hard!"

"It was. But all the same, some of the Starclan cats went with them too. Just to make sure they had ansestors guiding them. I didn't travel there until recently, and I travel back and forth. I could never choose." Spottedleaf purred.

"Hmm, it looks like it's your time to join with Sunclan now. I am glad to have entertained you until your body has recovered. Good luck! Starclan is with you!" Spottedleaf's voice became echoed and she was the last thing Snowkit saw before he opened his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2014 ⏰

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