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Rivertail proudly held the mouse in her jaws. This was the first time the calico she-cat had been on a hunting patrol for moons. She was burying her catch when she heard a screech from a cat. It sounded a bit strange.

Huh? Rivertail thought, looking around. She was the only one in this part of the forest though. Must be my imagination. She thought, tasting the air for more prey. But she then heard the screech again and it was closer. Then she knew that it was probably Crowtail, her mean brother.

"Okay. Very funny, don't play tricks on me, come out!" Rivertail hissed, fur prickling. But nobody appeared. She tasted the air once more but still no scent.  But that would mean... Rivertail slowly looked above her and her eyes nearly popped out of her head as a small white kit crashed into her from above, tipping her over. 

The kit fainted as soon as he touched the ground. Now that Rivertail looked at him more closely, there was darker streaks of fur on him, like waves but taller. It looked sort of like wind that caught onto him while he was falling. It would probably wash off soon. For now, Rivertail would have to focus on getting some attention to this kit, and fast.

Quickly and carefully, Rivertail picked up the kit in her jaws and started back to the Sunclan camp.

Warrior cats: Snowfall's Second ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now