Entry 1)First dates are NOT free therapy.

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So for my first ever official entry, I thought I'd share something that should be terribly obvious, but sadly isn't for a lot of people. Never fear, alycat the Single B!tch is here. Look at that, I'm a poet and I didn't even know it.
Dear God, I can't stop. O_O
Anyway, anyone find the title funny? I know, I know....I just like having some humor in my titles to amuse people........Yeah.....NO!
This is some helpful advice being given to hopefully save at least someone from completely embarrassing themselves, and it's for guys AND gals. Majority of us have totally been here when it comes to a first date.

(That is, if you weren't fortunate enough to marry your damn high-school sweetheart and live a fairy-tale romance suitable for a sappy romantic comedy.....In which case, I  totally  hate you lucky bastards.)

You can be out with some guy or girl, on your very first date. You're hoping to be kick-starting a new relationship full of exciting potential. You and your date are hitting it off fabulously, where it's like you guys are two peas in a pod...
All the sudden, WHAM!
You're smacked in the face with the new date revealing their horrible case of OCD, ADHD, their tendencies to jump too quickly into relationships, their baggage with their exes, not getting along with their parents, OR that childhood trauma they're still not over.

Here's a lesson to be learned people.....There is a LIMIT to how much crazy you display on the first date. MASSIVE LIMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I mean good golly, you don't display your whole case of crazy your first time meeting someone! You level it out in small, teeny-tiny doses - it makes it easier for person to swallow.
If you throw every monkey on your back at that new person in your life,  then don't be surprised when you're not getting a call back or a text in response

It's NOT attractive when someone drones on about how they have more issues than Vouge. I went out on a date with a few different people now who mistook a first date as free therapy. It was horrible. I just had to sit there while I heard about every little problem they had under the sun.  I mean EVERY LITTLE THING

Maybe it sounds cruel but my first time meeting you for a date I could personally give a rats hairy ass over how you felt when your daddy didn't show up to your fourth grade baseball game.
That time when your ex-girlfriend disregarded your feelings three years previously and now she doesn't want to be your friend on Facebook? I care even less about.

When you tell me you have serious problems trusting people and it would take six months of being in a relationship before you can even consider trusting me.... Well honey, that makes me just wanna rip off my heels and sprint in the opposite direction of you.

Helpful end of the entry advice = You may think disclosing your baggage first time meeting someone is a great way to start off something new so the person can get a better understanding of who you are as a person.
It's not. On a first, second, third, and maybe even fourth date......Keep it simple. Don't showcase your bag full of crazy right off the bat. It's not attractive, and it's not even actually appealing in the slightest.

Until next entry..

Single B!tch

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