Entry 2)B!tch, do you have your head up your own butt for the warmth?

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I'm somewhat sad to admit the title of this post is something I came so very close to commenting on someone's facebook status today.
Actually, Who the hell am I fooling. I'm still thinking about saying it, I just haven't had time to Facebook surf yet.

.....Now before anyone gets all judgy on me, I'll explain.... Ok, so *Rowan* has been in a "On again, off again.. relationship with this guy Tony for the last year and a half.

They break up more than the Backstreet Boys, to say it best. Every time the two of them break up, it's a big flashy facebook display.

Dear Rowan always has a dramatic flair to her "heartbreak" and has to post the silliest things to commiserate yet another breakup with Tony. Whining, picture memes about true love, or statuses as a public shout out to Tony that she'll be a better girl friend.
It's so very sad I actually feel the need to mouth a silent "Nooooooooooooooo......."  out of embarrassment for her.
Wanna know what Tony's doing on facebook in comparison to compensate for the breakup? He's hanging out with his bros, posing in pictures with other girls, and lets not forget, entering himself in more MODELING competitions.

*Insert cackling laughter here*

Anyway, to say Rowan is the farthest thing from Tony's mind after a breakup, is an understatement. Their latest breakup must've taken place within the last couple days. The pining has begun from Rowan, this time with her crying that she'll never find another person like Tony ever again.
I wrote a simple response out of pity for my dear, if not dimwitted twenty-four year old cousin. "Yes, you will. You're actually going to find someone better one day."

It wasn't my greatest material by a long shot, but, it was true and made me feel like a good person for like a nanosecond. ;)
.....I regretted being supportive as soon as I saw her response to me.

"You don't know what you're talking about....Tony is the greatest guy I've ever  known, you can't get better than him!"
I had to stare at my computer screen for a few seconds, while I also remembered Tony's newest picture he uploaded last night. His hand was caressing a scantily clad girls bottom. He was smiling, looking without a single care in the world. My cousin went on to say I was too young to know what true love was, and at that point I just had an all-out fit of giggles.

Bitch please. There's seven billion people in this world and you can't find someone better than that greasy horndog?
Unfortunately, I feel this sarcastic comment from me will now make family get togethers a lot more awkward...Ah well.

End of the entry advice; watch your smartass responses to your cousins. Nah. ;)

Sadly, there's a lot of people out there who don't realize they deserve better when it comes to dating. People settle for guys and girls who don't deserve them.

They sometimes settle with someone who feels comfortable, even if the person is a total ass-clown who doesn't deserve a second of their time.

Hell, I'm even guilty of trying to give jerk's the benefit of the doubt on some occasions. But here's the truth, whether you want to believe it or not. The key to finding someone to love you, is first loving yourself.

Is that something that's cheesy as hell to say? Absolutely.

But if you don't have that going for you, that means you don't believe you're worthy enough of deserving someone who treats you like you're special.
 Then after that, you're just settling with any random jackass who treats you poorly.

Until next entry....

Single B!tch

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