New school but nothing changes

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•Rose's P.O.V•
Today is my first day at my new school in Japan. It is around 6:00 am and school starts in a hour. I grab my uniform and go to the bath room. I get a quick cold shower to wake me up and I get dressed. I go to the mirror and start to put on my make-up so I look decent. After that I fix my hair and clip my gray bow to my hair.

I look in the mirror and frowned a bit. I have been worried that no one will like me. I walk out of my house checking to make sure I had every thing. 'Schedule, check! Phone, check, Yen, check!' I thought doing a mental check. I walk out of my house locking the door. I walk down the street and as I turned the corner to go to the shop I bump into someone.

"I am so sorry!" I say being apologetic. "Sure you are." Said a girl, with a beard? I walked off tears in my eyes as memories flood my brain of my life in Canada. I run off to the store and look for food. I find some Mountain Dew and Pocky I walk up to the cashier and pay for my items. "That will be 30¥" says the crab man. I hand him the money and leave with my things. I walk up to the school. I look at it and took a deep breath. I walk inside and put my things in a locker. I walk to room 24 for Mrs. Okami. She tells me to wait by the door till the rest of the class gets there. After all the students get there she starts roll call.
I look over to the familiar voice and see the girl I bumped into this morning I narrow my eyes at her ignoring the rest of roll call. She starts talking again and I snap out of that stare. "Today class we have a new student! If you would like to come in and introduce yourself." She said as she motioned me in. I walked in and stood at her desk. I looked around the room and started my introduction. "Hi, my name is Rose. I moved here from Canada because my mother thought it was best for me to something new.

"That was wonderful Rose! Now you will be sitting next to Grian." She said pointing to the desk next to the faired hair boy.(For you younger readers faired hair means light or blond hair) I sit in the desk next to him not saying a word. I look out the window and look at his reflection. I see him turn around towards me. "Hey um... Rose was it?" Grian says getting my attention. I turn around. "Yeah? Grian what you need?" I said in response. "Well, I just wanted to say welcome to the school and if you want at lunch you can sit with me and my friends." He says suggestively. I reply with a nod. (No I am not going to make Rose blush every time she talks to Grian that is just weird and pointless) The bell rings and I gather my stuff. I head out the room walking to lunch. I sit at the center table with Grian and his friends. When I sit down Invader walked up with a carton of milk and poured it on my head. I start to tear up and every one but Grian and his friends laugh. I run to the bathroom on the verge of crying .

•Grian's P.O.V•
Every one was laughing at Rose except for Sam, Taurtis and myself. I decide to go tell Okami that Invader just poured milk on Rose and that she ran into the girls restroom. After that I go back to lunch and tell Sam and Taurtis what I just did.

•Rose's P.O.V•
After Okami came and gave me a towel I left the restroom and headed to gym. Grian saw me and came up and started talking, " Are you alright Rose?" "I'm fine now I just smell like rotting milk" I say with a sad response. The bell rings and we walk into the gym and we stood in our lines. After everyone got in Rowan told us to dress. I walk down to the lockers and start to take off my smelly milk clothes. Invader starts to talk, "HEY LOOK IT'S MILK GIRL" All the other girls start to laugh I quickly get dressed and headed out trying to hold in tears.

•Grian's P.O.V•
I hear girls laugh and see Rose walk out of the locker room on the verge of tears. I jwalk over to her, "Hey what happened?" "Invader called me Milk Girl." She said trying not to cry. "Well if it makes you feel better I am here for you." I give her a hug and walk back to th guys line and Rowan starts to speak, "ALRIGHT MAGGOTS TODAY IS FEILD DAY DO WHAT YOU WANT!" I see Rose walk out side then Invader and her posse follow. I heard muffled screams. I run out and I look around and then I see Rose getting kicked by Invader and her posse. I run over and grab the almost unconscious Rose. I run to Okami and Rowan and ask if I can take her to the nurse.
I take her to the nurse and lay her on the bed, so PufferfishPete could help her. I start pacing around the room hoping nothing major was damaged.

~Le time skip brought to you by Set it Off~

•Rose's P.O.V•
I woke up and I blink to get used to the light I try to sit up my body hurts to much to move. All I can remember before I blacked out was Invader and her posse kicking me and Grian coming to save me. I try sitting up again and it worked I looked around but only saw the nurse. I stood up and walked to him. "Can I go home now?" I asked politely. "Sure but just be careful" said the Pufferfish

I walk out of his office and started heading home with my smelly milk clothes in a plastic bag. I get to my house and go and put my clothes in the washer and hop in the shower. (This next part may trigger people ) I leave my shower and put clothes on. My eyes search the cabinet and I see an old friend. I grab the sharp metal object.

I put the metal to my skin and and say:
"One for Invader..."cut
"Two for the name Milk girl..."cut
"Three for the kicking..."cut
"Four for my old SCHOOL!..."cut

•Grian's P.O.V•
I walk up to Rose's door with a stuffed gray cat. I knock on her door but she doesn't answer. I knock again and she doesn't answer I here crying from the bathroom. I open the door and hear her yell. "Four for my old SCHOOL!" I run up stairs and open her bathroom door and I see that her arm has multiple bleeding cuts. I grab the razor from her hand and set it on the counter. She gives me a look mixed with anger and fear. Soon enough she passes out.

A/N: Well that is 1000+ words if you want more just tell me. Sorry if my grammar sucks. Or if it makes you vomit because it is so cringy. But if you liked it tell your friends and follow if you want.

Well bye my Tem-sters

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