you are not a human being

27 2 0

"Welcome to Better Living Industries, 0322"

The soothing voice snaps me back to reality.

I'm still strapped to the table, but this time I'm upright.

"How are you feeling?" The woman who must have done this to me now sits in a leather chair in front of my post.

I refuse to answer.

"Did you enjoy your trip?"

I offer no response.

Her short, sleek, black hair shakes in disapproval when she knows I won't be speaking anytime soon. 

Her sleek, navy pantsuit looks very professional when she stands up. She walks over to the wall and a secret scanner glides over her hand. A panel slides over and I see thousands of blinking lights and buttons embedded into the wall. 

Next to the lights, there is a dangerous looking man; the only thing separating him from me is his glass jail. I can see a thick green vein pulsing from the left side of his forehead. His head snaps up when the woman pressed the green button. The glass slides away and he emerges next to the mysterious woman. 

"Go get the girl" she orders.

The man leaves, and we are alone once again.

The woman grins at me. "Maybe this will get you talking."

Not a minute later I hear the heavy footsteps that have to belong to the man trapped in glass.

He emerges into the room and I hear tiny grunts and struggling noises.

He is holding someone.

I turn my head to get a better look.

I manage to see who he has.

I gasp, and my eyes fill up with tears. 

It's the girl who was supposed to save us all. 

She was the only hope I had left.



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