I'm sorry my baby

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Silent Killer and her sister, Smile Shine  were running through the woods beside there grandmas house. Smiley fell over a rock  hitting  her head on another rock."Owie" she cried, holding her head in her hands. "Smile, come on!" Silent yelled back, No response. "Sis?" She said, Still no response. Silent ran back to her sister, seeing her sisters head covered in blood. "SMILE, WHAT HAPPENED!?!" She screamed. "I-I hit m-my head" She weakly said. She leaned into her sister getting blood on her shirt. "Go g-get momma a-and nana." "I cant leave you hear!" Silent said worried, she ran as fast as he could to her nana's house "MOMMA, NANA!" She screamed. "ITS SIS, SHES BLEEDING". Both her mom and her grandma went running after her.

°time skip because why the fuck not°

*smiles pov*

All I see is the beautiful green trees start to fade away. 'Am I gonna die' I thought.  My head really hurt. I looked at my hands, dripping in blood.

*normal pov*

Smiles hands, dripping in he own blood. She started to cry as the whole world faded away to nothing, the faint sound of her sisters cries " Over HEAR MAMA"

*beep beep beep* the heart monitor went. Smile layer in the hospital be, her little little chest rising up and down at a normal pace. Her mother sit there crying. " I'm sorry my little baby." She said over and over again." I'm so sorry." Silent killer sat ther on the side of the bed just staring at her sister.   Her heart monitor started to speed up and doctors rushed in the room. " Momma what's going on!?" Silent asked as both of the be pushed out of the room." I don't know baby.Its best we go home.Your sister needs help and us being here won't help her or us." Her mother said tears in here eyes. As they left she said " It will be OK hoy your sisters a strong girl."

*2 hours later in simles hospidle room*

"CLEAR" " WE'R LOOSING HER" *Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep* "LIVE DAMMIT LIVE" 

"Is this Ms. Dark sparkle?" "Yes?" "im sorry but your daugter has passed away. I am sorry."

"Im sorry my baby"

A/n bleh have some sad shit.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2016 ⏰

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