Chapter One

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Whole book is in Bill's perspective

"Mm.. ~" My eyes grew weary as I watched the fireworks light up the sky, with Dipper by my side. As the night went on, I yawned as my arm gave out under me, and I crashed into the brunet.
"You okay Bill?" I heard him chuckle above my head. I patted his thigh before gripping it to sit up,
"Just fine, " I responded with another yawn,
"Do all humans get this sleepy?" I felt a watery like substance in my eyes as it got worse, and something running out of my 'nose.' My body was trembling from the cold night air that kept blowing through my sweater. I sniffled and scooted against Dipper's side, resting my body weight. Yawns are so freaking contagious. Dipper caught the symptom and let out a long yet graceful one, unlike me on the other hand who yawned but snorted a few seconds after him. His laugh could have been heard by everyone below us if I didn't know better. I weakly grinned in embarrassment as I gently pushed his side.
"Awww, what's the matter? ~" He teased, rubbing our cold, wet noses. I snipped the edge of his nose quickly before he could pull away,
"Nothing, Pine Tree~" He giggled in front of me, his warm breath brushing against my cheeks.
"You're so adorable~" I smirked as I caught his lime green eyes, lighting up with the stars and explosions.
I leaned in to kiss him...

I woke up with a startle. All my surroundings were exactly how I had left them, including my spare tux laying on my dresser. All I could see was gold and black. I had no other interesting thing in my home. My mattress creaked under me as I turned to face the wall. In that direction, I could see one single picture. It contained a single triangle. A simple forest background.. And a 14 year old teen wearing a blue and white hat with his bright blue pine tree symbol on it. I sunk into my bed layered with silky sheets as my mind faded back to that moment four years ago....... This time, my eyes truly did fill with tears, them bursting out my sockets, wetting my pillow and hair.
He was gone... And there was nothing I could do about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2015 ⏰

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