
864 95 0

january 5th, 12:12am

elle-king has left the chat

adele: wait why

ash-hates-mel: fuck they're not replying to my texts and they're not answering my calls

mel-hates-ash: maybe they were sick of our messages spamming up their notifs¿

ash-hates-mel: i don't know

ash-hates-mel: it's just not like tanner to just leave without warning

llama-del-rey: have they answered any texts or calls?

mother-marina: ash are you alright?

ash-hates-mel: fuck fuck they're not okay they're anything but okay

lily-allen: what?? what happened??

adele: i'm scared

mel-hates-ash: ok so ash just ran outside and idk where they went and i have no idea what's going on with tanner and i'm scared

lorde: oh god

mother-marina: fuck fuck fucK

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