Chapter Six: A Certain Thought

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I didn't want to go to school after that day because I knew from my mind that it would be so bad but at the same time, I didn't want to miss school discussions and homework. Even though the social freedom aura of the school is shit based on my experience, one thing that I love about the school is that the teachers are so well-trained with a lot of knowledge about the topic. They would even elaborate more about the topic slowly but surely. I know that it is effective because I got straight A's in the tests for it. I know it's sounds kinda odd but it's true. The sad thing is that they didn't hear me crying the other day because they were at the faculty room.

The thoughts of going to school and being tossed around like a salad and not going to school but missing the school topics are so stressful. It is like: "You can get that pack of Oreos but no pizza or you can eat pizza but no Oreos." Why there can't be a day wherein Chloe would be absent because... I don't know... fever? I would say never. That school is where she would act like a mean, bitchy boss in the office that no one would dare to converse about life in general. She wants to make everyone her slave and the rest of the people who betray her would be treated like shit on the toilet.

I arrived late because I didn't want that ugly ass face on me as I enter the school campus. I quickly ran towards my classroom only to find that I was NOT late. It was 6:50 a.m. in the fucking morning. School starts at 8:00. DAMN IT! Well, at least I didn't see that crusty De Vil on the loose otherwise I'd become the Dalmatian she's going to kill.

I was about to sit down on my chair when I saw Mary with a frying pan on her hands, smiling at me like nothing was wrong. My eyes opened at the large frying pan she held on her right hand. I was freaking the hell out because who knows? She might kill me. I haven't done anything wrong to her so she shouldn't do that. I slowly sat down on my chair while watching out for suspicious activities on her. I sat down and looked at her still shocked and surprised. Mary, all of a sudden, looked around and asked me: "What? What is it?" I slowly pointed the frying pan on her hand. When she realized that, she laughed a little. After a while, she said: "Oh. This frying pan is for the Cookery class and for self-defenses against the fuckboys. There are a lot here, you know?" She swung her frying pan swiftly and said while doing so: "Don't you love it when you get to hit one and let him suffer for hours?" I was starting to think that she is a psychopath. Who knows? Maybe she is one.

A few moments later, a boy walked inside with unbuttoned polo shirt and his undershirt exposing his abs. He fixed his hair and licked his lips while looking at me and Mary. I gave him a confusing look, probably because he was horny. Mary slammed her frying pan on the desk and shouted: "What the hell is that?! That's against the school rules, fuckboy!" The fuckboy approached Mary with a "sexy" face and said: "Baby, school rules aren't part of my life. The rules I am going to follow are the rules you will give me in my bedroom." If I were to put a video to describe my feeling, it would be the "I am disgusted" video because bruh, he looks like moldy cheese. He licked his lips and leaned forward to kiss her, hoping he would finally get her to love him and his sexyness. Sexyness? He's just in the first level of it. Just as he was about to touch those dirty moldy dry crusty lips of his on her, Mary smacked the living daylights out of him with, you guessed it, a frying pan. I slightly jumped in surprise. He literally fell down like a chopped tree in a forest. I stared at his motionless body on the floor. I shouted at her: "Mary! What did you do?!" She calmly looked at me and said: "Don't fret, Sarah. I just knocked him out like Morales in the boxing ring because he rang the rape bell. He's going to come back to his senses soon though." I examined his temporarily lifeless body and prayed a little that no blood came out. So far, there was none so I sighed in relief. I carried his lifeless body to the clinic since it opens so early. I told the nurse a little lie that he slipped and fell down and didn't gain consciousness. The doctor was convinced about it. He told me to leave it to him so I left and went back to the classroom and studied for our Geography lesson. It was pretty easy since I was very familiar of it from high school.

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