It's Difficult At First

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Author's Notes: Hello to the people reading this! I am back again! This time I promise to try to write more. I also changed my account name and pictures again. Last time I swear. Now please enjoy this story about my roleplay character Bret.


Suddenly he could see the ceiling and feel the cold wooden floor beneath him. 'What just happened?' He sat up and looked around trying to figure this out. His ear twitched as he heard a constant annoying sound. Much like an alarm trying to warn him about something. But what? "Holy shit I'm going to be late!" Bret scrambled up from the floor and threw on some clothes. He winced as he accidentally pulled one of his tails but continued.

Running out of his room he saw his mom sitting at the table with his best friend. A Riolu named Diana. She had been his only friend some he was three. They would talk all night and train all day. Preparing for their journey which would come soon.

He snapped out of his thoughts as he noticed his mother's glare. "Did I hear a cuss word young man?"

"N-No Mom! I said Holy....Ship?" His mother sighed and motioned to the plate of pancake at the table. Bret sat down relieved and proceeded to scarf down the pancakes. Of course this led to him choking. Diana hit him on the back with just enough force to dislodge the food without hurting him. "Thanks Diana..." She nodded and went back to eating slowly.

"You're lucky she's here to help you Bret. Out there I won't be able to do anything for you except call. Maybe send money once in awhile." His mother gave him a sad smile. She had a natural beauty about her even though she was starting to show signs of age. Her long, black hair was starting to show gray streaks and she looked exhausted all the time. Bret still loved her though and could see why his dad chose her.

You see his dad wasn't exactly....human. This should be evident from the red eyes, sharp canine teeth, oh and the nine golden yellow tails tipped with orange that Bret proudly featured. In short his father was a Ninetales. Mom and him got together one day in the forest. Had run away and all that lovey-dovey shit. While it wasn't exactly illegal for them to be together it wasn't looked at with appeal either. Her family disowned her and said if she ever came back she would have the cops called on her. So she never went back. They built a simple house and lived in the woods. When Bret was born they feared the worse for him. Wouldn't let him see the other kids and never let him play with the young pokemon outside. They knew he would have to leave one day but they would delay it as long as they could. When he was three they brought him a pokemon egg from a nearby family of Lucario. They were moving away and didnt have room for another young mouth to feed. Being straightforward they practically demanded Bret's parents they take the egg. They did and Bret got Diana.

They lived happily till Bret was nine years old. Him and Diana were training in the front yard when a group of pokemon poachers appeared from the woods. They panicked when they saw what Bret was and tried to shoot him. His father jumped through the window just in time to take the billet for his son. Something inside Bret snapped. The screams from the poachers were heard for only two seconds. When his mother came home from gathering good she saw her son crying over the body of her mate. She saw the remain of the poachers nearby. It didn't take her long to figure out what happened. They buried his father in front of the house where he could always be remembered.

Bret was snapped out of his thoughts yet again as Diana thumped him in the head. "Bret it's time to see the professor! If we don't leave now we won't make it in time!" He nodded and gave his mom a hug promising to call her. Then he ran out with Diana by his side.

"Bret...please be safe..." His mother said watching them disappear into the forest.

So this was my first story being back and I really hope you all like it. If Theres anything I need to fix please say so. I would gladly like help. Thanks for reading!

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