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~Not Edited~

"Come on blue eyes." The taller brown eyed boy smiled, his hair was short and his stubble drove Niall wild. "Just one dance."

"I'd rather sit here and drink." Niall chuckled, tipping his beer to his lips again.

"One dance? Please?" The boy pressed on. Niall had just met him that night, flirting from the boy beside Niall (the one with the brown eyes) kept Niall entertained.

"One dance." Niall finally agreed and stood up, after finishing his drink. The boy held out his hand and Niall took it, sliding off the seat. "My name's Niall, by the way."

"Liam." The brown eyed boy smiled and guided Niall by a hand on his back through the bodies until Niall's backside was pressed against Liam's front. "I'm sure you know what to do with your hips." Liam smirked, his hands squeezing Niall's sides.

Niall smirked himself, finding his rhythm as he worked his hips back against Liam's. Liam's lips trailed along Niall's neck, kissing and even biting at the sensitive skin below his ear at a point. Niall could hear and feel Liam panting against his neck as he felt the bulge in Liam's pants press up against him more and more.

"Wanna get outta here?" Niall mumbled quietly. Liam only nodded.


Niall had woken up to that dream more than once these past two months. He was so embarrassed about the whole situation. He was embarrassed that he'd taken someone home (this happened more frequently than not anymore). He was embarrassed that Liam was still there when he woke up the next morning. He was embarrassed that Liam had given him his number and he hadn't called. He was embarrassed by everything that night and morning entailed and he didn't know how to fix it. So he just ignored it.

Once he'd regained feeling in his legs, shaking the sleep from his body. He stood and walked into the bathroom to get ready, half forgetting that Zayn was asleep in his bed when he walked back out after his shower, buttoning up his white shirt. "Zayn." Niall picked up a pillow from the sofa opposite his bed and threw it at the sleeping boy. "We're going to be late."

Zayn groaned and blinked, before he sat up. Niall took in the glory of what he once gave up, and what he has from time to time. "What time is it?"

"6:45." Niall stated and laced up his shoes, pulling his blazer over his shirt. Niall was the orchestra conductor at a secondary school here in London. Zayn was an English teacher. Niall had seen Zayn's bare bum as he wandered into the bathroom. Niall heard the shower turn on.

Niall looked at the sticky note taped to his wall with Liam's number on it. Even a little doodle of a telephone beside it. "You know, you should just call him." Zayn chuckled as he stepped out of the bathroom, a towel around his waist as he gathered some of his clothes. "It's been two months, the poor kid's probably heart broken. Must've liked you a lot."

"It was just a one night thing." Niall shrugged it off, although he really wanted to call. He really really did.

"You've been full of one night things since Perrie and you called it quits." Zayn said and smiled at him.

"Go take your shower." Niall threw a pair of socks at him and rolled his eyes as he tied his tie up. "I don't have time for this." Niall chuckled. Zayn rolled his own eyes and went into the bathroom to begin his shower.

Niall gathered his things, pulling his satchel over his shoulder making sure to get the correct sheet music folders for each of his classes for that particular monday morning and he sat his guitar next to the door. He'd had the perfect amount of time to joke around with the kids with it. "Zayn! Five minutes!" Niall yelled after making both of their coffees to go.

Zayn emerged from his room wearing a black cardigan with a white collared shirt underneath. He had black dress pants on and black shoes as well. His hair was brushed over to the side and Niall could see that he had both earrings on each side in. A stud and then a ring. "Ready?" Zayn smiled, slipping his own satchel over his shoulder. Niall handed him his coffee and nodded. "My insides still ache."

"Good." Niall smiled smugly, earning a slap on the shoulder from Zayn. "you think I should call that Liam guy?"

"I do." Zayn nods as they slid into Niall's car. Niall drove them to the familiar place he likes to think of as his second home. He was always here, late nights, weekends, weekdays... It didn't matter. But Niall also loved his job, unlike Zayn who loved it for the first year and a half and then decided that he was soo bored with his lesson plan. He's been using that same lesson plan for the past five years now. But that's alright, Niall would say, Just think of something different.

Niall parked his car and got himself and the guitar out. He waited on Zayn who was carrying a coffee. Niall stood back and admired how Zayn walked. With such confidence and certainty. Zayn was a bit smaller than Niall and maybe that's why Niall and he were drawn together in their relationship. He doesn't know why. They met in university and Zayn was the biggest douche on the planet then. But after him and Niall had gotten together, he changed and Niall hated that.

Niall looked at the way his pants gave him no a ss whatsoever and he chuckled. His cardigan gave him the slimmest looking waist and that drove Niall absolutely crazy. Niall wonders why he didn't just go through with their engagement. He loved Zayn somewhere deep down. He knew he did. But it just wasn't the same as before and that didn't bother either of them. If they needed a quick shag, they were at the other's house within the hour. They were best friends. Niall then noticed the tail of Zayn's bird tattoo on his neck poking above his collar line and he chuckled. The girls (and guys) crushing on Mister Malik will love that when they find out he's got more tattoos then the little bird on his hand.

Niall and Zayn split ways at the front door. Zayn smiled and waved once he reach his classroom, ten steps away from the opening of the hall. Niall chuckled and walked down to the orchestra room and smiled when he heard the familiar sound of the violin. Particularly one girl always got to class early, he always left the room unlocked for her. He wasn't supposed to, but he always did.

"Good morning Sara." Niall chuckled unlocking his office.

"Good morning Mister Horan." she blushed after hitting a sour note from being frightened.

Niall heard the first hourly bell ring, pulling out his folder and watching the kids file in... He smiled, this is what he loved. He didn't need a boy by his side. He had music, and that's all he'll ever need.

(A/N: 1204 words on 20 Dec. 15

Thanks for reading this and my other stories! It'd mean a lot to me if you go vote on English Love Affair or Happy Little Pill in the BromanceAwards! I have a family get-together later for Christmas with my dad and Ellen and I spent a good portion of the morning talking about Zayn <3

On a good note, I'm off to work on other works. I'm also trying to figure out what happened to the chapter in FMBTO,FYBTS bc Idk where it is.

Don't forget to comment please!

-Celina Azad)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2019 ⏰

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