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"mr hemmings, we need to turn michaels life support off now" the doctor spoke, breaking the tension in the room.

today was the day, luke had ashton and alex with him for moral support. he wasnt ready to say goodbye to michael, not yet, he was the love of his life, he never wanted to outlive the small boy. his small boy.

"if it makes you feel more comfortable we will leave you to do it yourself, mr hemmings" the doctor spoke
"n-no, no, i-its fine" luke choked out

the blonde stood up and laid down next to michael on the small hospital bed, luke had never imagined his life without michael, he wanted to marry him, adopt children with him and buy a billion puppies and kittens. he never imagined a doctor turning off his life support machine. never.

"are you ready mr hemmings?" the doctor asked
"y-yeah" luke sniffled, tears streaming down his face.

ashton and alex watched luke carefully, they knew the boy would break as soon as michaels heart stopped beating. [ok bare in mind i have no clue how this happens so dont think this is how this happens oKay]

the doctor turned his back to the boys and pressed the button to turn off the machine, it slowly stopped whirring and michaels breathing started to slow down. luke was holding onto the younger boy like his life depended on it, as if it would bring michael back. lukes head rest on michaels chest, listening to his heart beat, it was becoming weaker and weaker by the second.

he thought of all the happy times they had together, how they only met because calum gave him the wrong number, and how now his love was fading off into oblivion.

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