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"luke, lukeyyy, baby wake upp"

lukes body jolted up, startled by the sweet voice whispering in his ear. he felt hot, as if he had been laying in the sun for 5 hours, sweat was trickling down the back of his neck, and across his forehead. he looked over too his left and nearly had a heart attack at what he saw, michael. his hair was a faded brown colour, he had deep bags under his eyes and he looked older, he didnt have his eyebrow piercing in, nor his earrings. luke was confused.

"w-what y-you...?" luke stumbled over his words
"you had another nightmare babe" michael wiped the sweat off of lukes forehead using the back of his hand
"y-you died" luke breathed out
"i almost did, seven years ago lukey" michael whispered
"seven?" luke frowned
michael nodded and replied "im not 16 anymore lukey, im 23"
"youre alive?" a smile crept onto lukes face
"yes im alive"
"for reals?"
"for reals lukey"

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