Chapter One: Flashback {Clara}

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21st December 2002= 9:00pm

Cathy Godswick watched the black jeep pull into the Godswick estate, which held her and her mansion.
A sudden warmth filled her stomach at the thought of company during this cold, lonely winter.

****** *** ****

Clarabelle bounced up and down in her booster seat; it'd be her first official time meeting Cathy Godswick, her grandmother.
Small eyes took in the frost covered trees aroubd her; it was very different from Los Angeles.

"Clarabelle, come outside and greet your grandmother please," her mother called and Clara hopped out the now open door, seeming unaffected by the sudden change of weather.

Cathy stared at the little girl in wonder. She could tell that Clara would become a beautiful young girl with her pale skin, pastel brown hair and large grey eyes. Though this child didn't take any of her parents' features, but took strongly after her grandfather.

"Nana!" Clara called and launched unto her leg.

"Hello there! My name is Cathy, but you can call me Grandma-."

"NANA!" She persisted.

Cathy chuckled, "Okay. 'Nana' then."
Clara then offered Cathy her best smile; one showing her cheekiness. Everyone laughed happily.


Time passed by steadily, the whole family had eaten dinner while sharing past experiences; reminiscensing in memories and soon it was time for everyone to head to their rooms.
So Clara, assuming she'd sleep in the same room as her mum and dad, she followed them out the oak doors only to be cut off by maid.
"Miss, your room is this way," the woman started off down the hall in the opposite direction of Clara's parents. Confused but obedient, she tailed her.
In just a few minutes time they stood at a hallway's dead end and that was when the maid opened a latch in the ceiling, retrieving a ladder an jerked it down.

"Am I to go up there?" The infant's soft voice asked. The maid merely nodded and handed her the second lamp in her hand, then skuttled away from the hallway, away from the child.

Clara looked blankly at the ladder before climbing them; each step she took; looking warily upwards into the gap in the ceiling that was becoming closer and closer.

21st December 2002= 12:00am

No matter how much her brain told her to go to sleep, she couldn't. No with it being so dark and scary in the small attic. This birhday trip to grandma's house was starting to become a slow nightmare for Clara.
Of all of the many rooms in Cathy's house, Clara had been put in the attic; a place of solitude.

Clara sneezed and stared at the ceiling above her, trying to count the invisible sheep in her mind.
"Twenty-one sheep, twenty- ahh umm... two! Twenty-two sheep!" She mumbled.
But the two and a half year old found herself becoming more attentive on counting than falling asleep.
She wasn't tired yet.
"EYAH!" She whined loudly and then pounded the floor until her pale white hands turned pink.

'My hands hurt. They hurt more than when Tommy Brown pushed me down the slide!' She thought.
And right about when she was going to cry, a soft light streamed through the window blinds.
Somewhat entranced, Clarabelle pulled the blinds up and opened the window. The soft warm light and flakes of snow poured unto her small form. To Clara, this felt like a scene out of a Barbie Movie. 'All it needs was a song.' She thought.

And so, looking at the deep black sky, littsres with glowing stars and the moon; Clara sang:

'O quam sancta, quam serena,
Quam beningma, Quam amoena,
O castitas lilium-'
She hummed the odd tune from her favourite show and began singing again.
'Kyrie dons bonitatis,
Kyrie, ignis divine eleison.
O quam sancta, quam serena
Quam beningma, quam amoena,
O castitas lilium.'

"It's not done. I don't know all the words yet," She whispered, looking at the moon.

"The moon ia so pretty!" Then energy suddenly poured into her from an unkown source.
"Aahh!" Clarabelle screamed while she became energized; something, a being, pulled her away from the world she knew and into a mystical place.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2016 ⏰

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