Chapter 4

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Michael's POV: I've been here for two days now. Maria hasn't given me anything but scraps to eat. I feel like I'm in a horror movie. She could come down here at any given moment and kill me. I keep thinking of ways to get out of here, but I'm tied tightly to this damn pole. I'm not going anywhere. The door opened and I heard her walk in. I heard the crack of a whip in front of me. I flinched at the sound. I knew it was for me. I felt a sharp pain on my left shoulder. She repeatedly hit me there. I flinched and whimpered at every blow. After a few minutes, she stopped. "Oh Michael. Dumb, worthless, weak Michael. If you wouldn't have had me arrested, this wouldn't be happening. Did you ever think of it that way?" She asked as she got close to me. I closed my eyes and tried to breath. I felt her finger on my cheek. Without warning, she scratched me, hard. I felt blood dripping down my shoulder and cheek. I was breathing heavily. She punched my stomach before leaving the room. I couldn't bend over far, so I was in much more pain than before. My breath was shallow. I hate her. I hate her so much. Why did she have to do this? The heroin made her crazy. Because she hasn't had a fix in a year, she has so much built up anger towards me. Maybe I shouldn't have had her arrested. Then again, I could've died if I wouldn't have had her arrested, but this wouldn't be happening either. She's torturing me for her own pleasure. She wanted revenge on me. I just want to get out of here. I started crying again. This has been a regular occurrence since this whole thing started.

LaToya's POV: The police dismissed my lead and think Maria had nothing to do with Michael's disappearance, shocking. That's it. It's our turn. I called Janet. "Yeah?" She answered. "Pack your things and meet me at the airport. We're going to Seattle to look for Michael." I said. "The police aren't getting involved?" She asked. "They thought my lead was false and think Maria's not behind this. Now hurry up. I'm leaving now." I said. "Alright, see you in a few." She said before hanging up. I got to the airport and Janet arrived minutes later. We bought tickets to Seattle and got on the plane. We will not give up until we find Michael. This is our brother were talking about. I want him to be safe again.

Michael's POV: I could hear the floorboards above me creek whenever Maria moved around upstairs. It's the only thing I can hear down here. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. Maybe if I fall asleep I'll wake up and find out that this is all just a dream. That would be nice. I'd scream and try to get the attention of someone outside the house, but last time I tried that Maria came down here and beat me. I'm not taking that risk again. I would like to get out of here alive, even if I'm injured. I just want to survive this. I closed my eyes and prayed to God something good would happen. I wish LaToya and Janet were here to help. Please. Help me...

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