Awkward with a side of latte

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*hannahs pov*
We sit at a small booth. Grace sitting in front of me and Chester sitting beside her. Grace and Chester sit exchanging superficial smiles and continued growing more and more awkward. I sip on my latte and glance out the window seeing the reflection of grace and Chester peck on the the lips then with my breath fogging up the window turning back to my latte and sipping slowly. Grace takes her phone out seconds later causing my phone to ding graces name was lit up on my screen
G- " wow this is awkward"
I smirk still looking at my phone at what grace said
H-"yeah imagine how I feel"
We exchange looks causing us to giggle uncontrollably. chester's phone starts ringing
"Sarah? Who the he-"
Grace is cut off by Chester saying
"I uh I gotta go"
I look at grace who looks furiously at the boy now taking the phone call walking out of Starbucks
H-" we seriously needa walk"
G-"that sounds great"
We start walking towards a random direction letting it lead us anywhere going on and on about random dumb things and laughing till our ribs ached the cool air caused grace to cross her arms and make a face of discomfort
I say handing the the tall blond my grey hoodie. She graciously put it on thanking me as we continuing to walk I stumbled over words trying to maintain conversation, this is the longest that we have talked.
G-" Hannah can a stay at yours tonight again"
H-"yeah dude anytime"
I say a little to excitedly earning a laugh from grace
We keep walking until we reached this ledge beside the road she climbed up onto it reaching her hand down to me signaling for me to take her hand, I do so and we continue on With her swinging her arm and keeping balance on the ledge.
A dip in the ledge causes grace to trip over her on leg and fall straight into my arms I smile as I watch he face turn from sheet white to cherry red
H-"and falling is just another way to fly" I say in a cheesy tone smoldering at grace who is dying of laugher
I set grace down
G-"we should head home it's getting cold."

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