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Cronos tries his best not to drop the book, while he is gliding down the middle of the Port.   Caledonian's book in his hand won't  stop complaining, because Caledonia is too far away, and feels half complete without her. He wishes Spyro had created a zip, so he could zip it shut!  The book is like a constant ear buzz in his ear, annoying the blossom out of him.

While he works his way down, he can taste the distinctive Sweet and Sour Scent in the air, as it whiffs against his face. He looks up to realise he has passed 4 pages already, and looks down to see if anyone is at sight. He sees nobody other than something down below floating in the air, and tries to push himself  towards it, to get a closer look. As his vision gets clearer, he notices it is a floating Mandala step shaped into a snow flake. He wonders!

-Why was Aye' nat told about these floating steps?

-Maybe they did mention it, and Aye' didn't hear them.

-Ow me Bloss the Smell comes again, it's delicious!

-Tae colours must have formed this, during Tae time we were creating tae book.

-Hush fur blooming sake, don't ye have any manners book? He warns it in his Irish accent, but the book unfortunately won't keep quiet. It has been talking ever since they got in the port, driving Cronos mad.

Cronos tries to balance himself  in a up right position, to be able to land over the Mandala he is trying to get closer to. There is no gravity inside the port, due to the fact of it being in between time, and that doesn't make it easy for him as he tries to glide down.  He knows this very well, because he created the time space inside the port himself. He is almost near the Step, and can't wait to see how the Mandala will hold him down without the gravities help.


He's finally lands over the Snow flake shaped Mandala step, he is quite impressed with the way it is holding him down, with its  soft magnetic pull.  Enabling him to stand over it and move as he pleases. Without wasting time, he curiously looks at the surroundings - surrounding him . He is absolutely breath taken!  It would be crazy not to be, it looks so magical!

Proud to be apart of such an amazing sight, he has created with Argyros and Spyro. He takes in a  deep breath, as he continues to look around standing over the Mandala Snow Flake.

The port is like a never ending spiral formed tunnel, and the walls of the port is like the colorful bright Northern Lights. Beaming with a wave motion, he's feeling ecstatically happy, with how everything has turned up to be.

The strong refreshing scent of Lemon/Lime and Granny Smith Apple surrounds the atmosphere again, leaving his mouth water, forcing him to suck in his cheeks to swallow.

The smell is almost like the Scent of the fruit, plucked straight from the branches, and cut in half combined in one.  It helps keep you awake inside the Portal, due to the fact of its hypnotising soothing light. It's very appetisingly delicious once it breezes in to the mouth, and hits over the tongue.

Cronos quickly licks his lips, and sucks in his cheeks with his mouth all watery again, reminded how hungry he is feeling.

- This Port is too good to be true, wish Tae Queen could witness this!

-She is not here, so stop day dreaming and get me to Caledonia!   Now!   The book comments, and he gets more agitated by the minute of hearing her annoying voice.

AMARYLLIS: And The Golden Roots Of The Hybernian Tree/ Book1Where stories live. Discover now