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A strange sound awakes Amaryllis from her deep sleep. She turns slowly to the sound of the door with her eyes half open, burning out of drowsiness, urging to go back to sleep. But being as loud and excited as Thalia is, she jumps over Amaryllis' bed --forcing her to stay awake. "I think we're going to celebrate some-one's birthdayyyyy todayyyy..!" She shouts out loudly jumping on both her knees--then, pausing to the sound of her mum warning her.

"Darling... Your sister just woke up, give her some space. The poppyseeds incense are very strong, it must have really helped her sleep well. It's only 10:30 am so let's give her some time to come to herself--shall we..?" Jade suggests,  standing over Amaryllis' bed with a present in her hands.

"Morning everyone..!" Amaryllis moans, stretching her arms and her legs as she awakes.

"Even though we congratulated you yesterday. We thought we could surprise you, and celebrate your birthday in private, away from guests today...!" Jade gracefully speaks.

"Here is a small gift from me and your dad, think of it--as a--small early gift..!" Jade says all shy while looking at Orctus, and back to Amaryllis.

"Ow my gosh..!" Amaryllis says, and jumps up to open the small box.

"Is this an egg?" Amaryllis asks.

"Ahahahahahahahah..!" Orctus starts laughing, with Jade eyeing him to hush.

"Can you open the egg gems lid Amaryllis --please!" Jade asks mysteriously.

"Ow... Ow... Wow... They are so pretty, thank you both so much... But I don't have piercings over my ears!" Amaryllis says to her mum and dad frowning.

"But, you don't need any. They attach themselves over your ear... Wait let me demonstrate it for you--see!" Jade says, all excitedly as she holds one gently!

"Owwww..! Can I place them over my ears then?" Amaryllis asks all excited.

"Of course you can, here let me help you! There see --they look perfect Orctus!" Jade speaks to Orctus as though she is proving a point.

"Yes..  So they do!" He winks at Amaryllis as he smiles.

"Must congratulate--Monile--For his well established hand craftsmanship skills!" Orctus answers Jade.

"Happy Birthday Amaryllis, Happy birthday... We promise to help you through out all your decisions, would you like us to keep quiet?" The Golden crest earrings whisper into her ears, with their magical whispering voices.

"Ow..!" Amaryllis gets all startled, as she hears the earrings speak to her. She touches the earrings over her earlobes, with goosebumps  forming all the way down her spine and arms.

( The earrings continue to speak, making it hard for Amaryllis to concentrate. )

"Ow--we forgot to point out the note placed inside the egg box. You must read it before using them!"

"Sorry dear!" Jade apologizes.

Amaryllis quickly opens the box and starts reading the note!

Specially handcrafted for Amaryllis Humilis Natura designed by --Monile. The fragility of these Royal earrings are rendered with skillful craftsmanship, sculptured from our Unearthed Kingdom's finest materials and amethyst gems. Designed especially to whisper and guide into our beautiful--New Queen--Amaryllis' ears. Inspired by our Kingdom's News deliverer--Golden Crest birds...
Note: If you shall not want them, please can you place them back inside the box, with the word --Non Desideretur-- whispered over them.

AMARYLLIS: And The Golden Roots Of The Hybernian Tree/ Book1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora