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Sean's POV

I turn around to see Allison standing there. Great just great, Allison just saw me putting my tongue down another girls throat. I didn't even care about this girl the only girl I cared about was Allison.

"Look Cassi it's great that you are back but I've moved on and I think you should too." I sent her a sweet smile, but knowing Cassi she was going to make a huge deal out of it.

"Thank god I'm not the one who had to break it off, that would of been embarrassing!" She sassed before walking into my house. Sometimes that girl was crazy.

I walked up to Ali's door, I had no idea what I was going to say or what I was going to do. All I know is that this has to happen I have to make things good with Ali again. I went to knock at the door but I was stopped before the door already opened.

"Really bro? I don't think she wants to talk to you." Aiden greeted me at the door, I wish he was my little brother he was all around the perfect brother.

"Aiden you don't under-" I was interrupted by Aiden.

"I actually do understand, you had your tongue down another girls throat and you broke Allison's heart." Aiden sent me a smirk, he was my buddy but he was totally trying to make me feel bad for breaking Ali's heart. I do feel bad she's all I want she's all k ever wanted. "Sean I think you should leave." Aiden shut the door on my face but I wasn't giving up that easy so I sat down on there front door.

I must of been sitting there for at least two hours, my butt was aching and my heart was breaking. I still haven't been able to talk to Ali so I wasn't going anywhere. The door creaked open behind me.

"Sean? What are you doing here?" I heard a sweet caring voice behind me.

"I wanted to see Allison, I made a huge mistake and I really need to talk to her." I looked up to see Allison grandma standing there.

"Oh yes, I've heard all about it. You broke her heart kid." She slid down the door to sit beside me. I wasn't sure if I should be scared or nervous or even  relieved.

"I know, I really just want to talk to her. I need to make things right." I explained for like the third time today.

"Sean I'm going to give you something but not because I'm on your side, I'm going to give it to you because I'm on Allison's side and I know what she wants. Sean you are the first person she has told her dad about which is weird because Ali doesn't just open up to anyone. She trusted you when she barley knew you. You have her trust and you always will. You just have to show her that she can trust you again. Sean what does Ali love?" She went on, Ali loves surfing! Why didn't I think of this earlier.

"Surfing! Thank you." I stood up and raced for my house I knew exactly what I needed.


"Why do you care about this girl so much?" Cassi asked as I was waxing my surf board.

"Why do you care?" I hissed back at her. I guess i could of been a little settle but she's the reason Ali isn't speaking to me.

"Sean is she really the girl you want?" Cassi smirked, she drove me crazy I mean of course Ali is the girl I want. I've never meant anyone like her and she just makes my world go round.

I grabbed the surf boards that I had written on, I placed them at the end of the path way I made out of rose petals. Taylor was bringing Ali here for a late night surf. My heart was racing and I was nervous this was it if I nailed this Ali would talk to me if I don't well then that's it.

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