Why Me?

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This is my second story on wattpad. I am still currently working on my first. So bare with me if you read this. Please excuse any errors but tell me if you do find them please, that way I can fix them.

Chapter 1

Running. I am running. Trees going by in a blur. I can hear their footsteps behind me. I can hear their shouts for me to stop, but I can't. I have to get home. I have to keep going. I can't slow down. I can't stop to catch my breath. I have to keep going. I need to get away. I need to get out of their. A house comes into view. I can hear the sound of a baby crying. I can smell the blood. I need to stop something but I can never remember. I need to make inside. But just as I reach for the door I wake up.

I wake up in my room panting, crying, and tired. I don't understand it. I've been having the same dream night after night for the past four months. Was it a sign and if so what is it telling me?

I look at the alarm clock sitting on my bedside table. I sigh. It's 3:37 am. Well then, I might as well get up and start the day. There is no way I'm going to fall asleep now.

I walk down the hall and open the door to my four year old, little sisters' room. They're still sound asleep.

They are twins. Not identical but feternal. Mara and Ariella. My four year old, angel sisters. Not really angels, but just goodhearted, little girls.

I walk down the hall a little farther to my brother's room. I look in to his nursery and find him sitting quietly in his crib. His name is Cain. He is two and a half. He never says anything. He never cries unless dad is home. For some reason he just sits there. So if he needed something he would just sit and wait for someone then use bodily motions to ask.

Everyone is still sleeping so I decide to take a shower and do my hair. I say in my bathroom and stare at my reflection. My long, dark brown hair was curled. My blue eyes were accented with mascara and eye liner. My plump lips were glossed up. It was the the first day back from winter break.

I'm 14 and in ninth grade. I live an hours drive from the nearest town. Everyday I go to a school that consists of 138 kids.The grades at my school are 7th- 12th. Therefore making 138 students look even smaller. In my class alone there are 15 kids.

I walked out of my bathroom to get my backpack, when I heard Cain crying. In that same moment I heard the door slam open then slam shut. I race to Cain's room and grab him, trying desperately to get him to stop crying. But to no prevail. The door to Cain's room slammed open, and in the doorway stood our father.

"You!" He yelled at me, pointing his large hand in my direction.

"M-me?" I asked in a small voice.

"You shut that monster up, or I will kill him! Just like he killed your mother!" He yelled.

That did it I couldn't take it anymore. I snapped. "He was an infant!!!"

"Do not use that tone with me!!" He yelled then walked out the door.

I put Cain down in his crib as he fell asleep. I walked downstairs into the kitchen. Just as I made it into the kitchen, I was slapped. I mean I fell on the floor from the impact. I knew I would have a welt on my cheek from the impact.

It's not the first time he's abused me. The worst was when he caught the twins playing with knives last year, right after mom died. He took the knives away and almost cut the twins, but through a coffee cup at him. So he turned around and sliced my arm open.


I was walking down the stairs to get breakfast when I heard screaming. I jump down the rest of the stares and ran to the kitchen. I saw him with knives, and they were pointed at the twins. I panicked. My body reacted faster than my thoughts processed. I grabbed the nearest cup and threw it at his back.

He turned around so fast. His eyes were dilated, so I knew he was drunk. There was this look of anger on his face that brought my courage forth. I knew that he was this way with the twins but they are so young. This is the first time my temper control has been broken.

Then he cut me. I think I saw regret, or maybe guilt flash across his face. As quickly as it came it left, and this is when my man was no longer considered my father.

I walked away from him, picked up the crying twins and walked back upstairs not even looking back.

*End of Flashback*

I stand back up, look at him dead in the eyes, and glared. "Why should I listen to you? You're not my father! You're just a sad coward that hides behind liquor, blames his child for killing his wife, my mother, and abuses his other children," I said with so much hatred I saw fear in his eyes.

So I continued, "You stopped being a father when you threatened the twins with knives. They were only three!" I yelled.

"You do not talk to me like that, young lady!" He grabbed my arms and shook me.

"You will not disrespect me!" He said raising his hand to hit me again, when the doorbell rang.

"We are not done, I will be back!" He yelled as he walked away.

"Girl! Come here now!" He said not even using my name.

"What do you want?!" I yelled back at him, then scowling at the man in the doorway.

The man in the doorway is my ex's uncle. My ex is a complete douche. I caught him cheating on me with the school skank. "Cassandra, how lovely to see you," he said with a twisted smile.

"Sorry the feelings aren't mutual," I sneered.

"Now, now, you don't talk to your chauffeur that way, now do ya?" He asked with that sick smile still on his face.

Oh crap. I'm riding with this sicko. Ya- no. "We'll see about that now won't we?" I said with an innocent smile on my face.

"Go get the demon, and your stuff, I'll take the twins in to town later," my father said gruffly.

"Ok, but they have school at noon, remember that," I said as I disappeared up the stairs.


At school nothing happen, everything's the same. Still no one notices me, no one cares about my bruised face. No one notices me as I go from class to class. I am invisible and that's the way I intend it to stay.

After the day I was walking around town waiting on my ride. Then when I was passing a overcrowded bar this drunk guy ran into me, making me fall on my butt.

The man kept walking, but another guy that was maybe 20, at the most, came to help me up. "Are you ok?" The mystery man asked with concern.

"I'm fine, thanks," I replied shyly.

I was about to walk away when he caught my hand and whipped me back around to face him. "What's your name?" He asked sweetly.

"Cassandra," I said quietly.

"Now Cassandra, why would someone ever lay a finger on your beautiful face?" He asked gently caressing my bruised face.



I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know this a kidnapping story, but I wanted some background first.




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