Why Me?

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Chapter 2

Before I could respond my father's truck parked and he jumped out. "You stop touching my daughter now! I told you to get out of town! Now I find you harassing my daughter!" He barked.

"Some guy knocked me over, then he came along and was kind enough to help me up," I defended him.

"Shut up and get in the truck!" He yelled at me.

I was on the verge of tears, but I will not give him that satisfaction. "No." I said standing my ground.

"Get in the truck," he ground out.

"No." I repeated not budging.

Then the unthinkable happened. He hit me in public. And it didn't end there. He pulled me to my feet by my hair. I bit back a howl of pain. I was getting sick of this. I was getting sick of being this punching bag.

I looked through my hair and saw a crowd gather. He took this as a good sign. He started yelling at me even more. "You are disrespectful bitch! I am you superior and you will listen to me! You will not talk back! You will take you punishment! You will not defend strangers! And the demon is going to live with you aunt! End of discussion!"

"When?" I asked in a small voice not really trusting it to be strong.

"What?" He asked.

"When is he leaving?" I asked again.

"He's already gone," he said quietly.

That was it. That was the last straw. He broke my last button from pushing it to hard. All the rational thoughts left my brain. Anger clouded my thoughts. I clenched my fists. I gritted my teeth. My eyes hardened. I was seething. I brought my gaze up to meet his.

If looks could kill he'd be overkilled. There was so much hate in my eyes. I was fuming. "You. Did. What?!" I asked my voice growing louder with each word.

"I sent him away." He repeated him self.

I broke. Then I broke his nose. Before I could even think, my body reacted. I pulled my fist back and got him square on the nose. Then as a response I sent an uppercut to his stomach.

I took a few steps back and looked around. All i could see of the guy who helped me was his retreating figure in the distance. There was quite the crowd gathered. I took one look and I was disgusted. "You people make me sick!" Then I stalked off.

Halfway home I had become fully dark. When I was closer to home I saw my father's truck, so I booked it. I knew a shortcut through the woods. I heard brakes squealing, doors opening then slamming. I heard shouts for me to stop. I could here my fathers angry voice. He wanted to punish me. There was only one thing that he hasn't taken or given way. There is no way in hell am I letting that happen. I will kill myself first.

I could hear the twins squealing and their babysitter telling them to settle down. There were pounding footsteps right behind me, but instead of screaming help, I screamed, "I love you Mara and I love you Ariella! Stay strong! Stay together! Stay goodhearted angels!"

And like in the dream just as I reach for the doorknob, I blackout screaming. The last thing I see is the door open to reveal Mara and Ariella waving goodbye.

At least they know. Then black. 


So What do you think? I really need some feedback on this one, mostly because i have no idea where im going with this. So any ideas, if so please comment or dirct message me.




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