Tony's Mistake

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Hey! I will try to update once every 2-3 days! Hope you enjoy this little Avenger's fic!!


* Steve's POV *

"Sure, I'll be over in a minute."

"Great! And don't be such a downer, it'll be fun!"

I swear Tony is a child trapped in an adult body. Ugh, I joined this team to fight, not to attend parties. Besides, there's never anyone new around to talk to.
I slip on my boots and throw on a coat. It rained last night and I left my motorcycle outside again. Great. Public transit will have to do.
I honestly don't mind taking public transport. In fact, I might prefer it over Solo bike riding. It's a chance to get involved with the real world.
I hop on the first bus I see and sit next to an elderly woman wearing a bright blue outfit. I smile and greet her.

"Morning! It's a little chilly outside today isn't it?"

She didn't respond. I guess she might have some hearing problem. Or was she ignoring me? I study her facial expression intensely to see if, in any way, I offended her. I must have been only a few inches away from her face when I felt a jolt of pain across my cheek.

"Excuse me young man! What do you think you're doing?!"

The lady shouts at me with such volume that I almost stumble off my seat.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean.. To..."

"That is no way to treat your elders!"

I turn away from the woman. I was about to argue but I know its not the right thing to do. Instead I face the other way in shame and feel my cheek. It swelled up and began to sting as soon as I placed my hand on it. Wow. She can throw a punch. I exit the bus in embarrassment and don't even try to apologize again because I know she won't hear me.
I walk down to Tony's place with my hand on my cheek.
When I walk in I am surprised to see that I'm the first one there. Usually I'm the one that's late but I guess Tony gave me an early invitation.

"Cap! *giggle* what happened to your face? BAHAHAHA!"

"It's Steve, and I got in a little rumble..."

"*giggle* Yeah whatever. JARVIS, can you get me a list of tonight's guessts?"

"Sure thing"

Tonight? He told me the party was right now.

"Tony where are all the guests?"

He gives me the sarcastic look

"At home, at work, sleeping, eating, doing what people do."


"Alright, alright, I actually called you over to help me with something"

Tony wants me to help him with something? Why didn't he call Bruce?

"What is it?"

"Oh you'll see"

I follow Tony to his Lab and immediately I know what he's up to.
How in the world did he... I'm calling Bruce. Now.

"Hey hey hey! What are you doing?"

Tony grabs the phone out of my hand.

"Tony you know better than to play with this! How did you even get this!? TONY!"

This could kill us right now. This could kill the whole population of the earth.

"Shhhhhhh. Thor let me borrow it. I said I was making some checks to make sure everything's alright."

"But your not, are you?"

Tony can't control His own thoughts, how is he going to control this?

"It's not that big of a deal, I'm only trying to figure out how it works."

"You want to understand the TESSERACT?! This thing is dangerous and should not even be on this planet! Give it back to the people to whom it rightfully belongs!"

I don't understand Stark's mind! It makes no sense! He always wants to be better than everyone else and he will do anything to achieve it!

"Calm down Cap, I just need your help with one thi-"


I grab my phone back out of Tony's and as I start to dial Bruce Tony attempts to snatch it again. I find myself wrestling with him. As we tumble across the floor I hear something crash and all of a sudden I feel lightheaded.
I see a black circle with a blue rim around it appear in the middle of the room.

Oh. My. god.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2015 ⏰

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