Tell Me

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Finn POV
I woke up on the floor. It was strange, I wasn't sure if that was a dream or a memory. I'll ask Rachel, but first I need to check the time.


Oh ok, it's pretty early. Plus it's Sunday, so I know Beth doesn't have school. I get up and decide to leave my pajamas on. I walk out into the kitchen and I see Rachel and Beth in their pajamas. I want to ask Rachel but it's too early for that.

"Good morning Daddy!" Beth yells

Rachel just gives me a slight smile as they eat fruit and beth eats pancakes. I'm guessing Rachel's still a vegan. I sat down and Rachel gave me a plate of pancakes.

"Look we made chocolate chips our favorite!" Beth said happy
"Beth sit down" Rachel said
"Thank you" I say grabbing a fork

Beth drank her milk as Rachel put their plates in the sink. Rachel sat down as I finished my first pancake.

"Hey Beth can you go show your dad your new toy that Papi Leroy sent you?" Rachel asked

I already know she wants to talk if she is sending Beth out of the room. Beth nods excited and jumps off her chair running happy.

"Any new memories?" Rachel asks sipping her coffee
"Actually I'm not sure" I answer thinking of the baby
"What do you mean?" Rachel asked
"Well I found a truck and I'm not sure but i had a flashback of us talking about another baby" I say looking down

Rachel clears her throat and she sits back.

"We did talk of having another baby" she said plainly
"Did we?" I ask scared of the answer
"No, we um, you got into your accident and then we stopped trying" she said looking down as well
"I'm sorry" I say feeling bad
"For what?" She asks
"For not remembering" I answer

She looks at me and puts her hand over mine,

"Oh Finn," she gets interrupted by Beth running back to the table.

She leans back and as soon as she does, there's a knock on the door. We look at each other and Beth shoves a mermaid doll in my face.

"Look! She can swim by herself in the water and her hair changes color!!" Beth says exited

"Really? How cool!" I answer happy that she's happy

She smiles and she hugs me. I feel her tiny arms around my neck.

"I'm happy your back daddy, mommy was starting to get sad" Beth say in whispers
"Well I'm back, and I'm not going anywhere" I answer

I pull her away and look at her. She's so pretty. She has Rachel's long hair, my colored eyes and nose, and Rachel's beautiful smile.

"What is it daddy?" She asks

I slowly move my hand towards her stomach and I say

"Well you got a little something right....HERE!" I yell grabbing her and putting her over my shoulder

She giggles as I carry her into the living room where Rachel was. I was smiling as she giggled and kept yelling

"Daddy! Put me down!" She giggled

We walk into the living room smiling only to find the door...with Rachel. Great just great.

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