☆Chapter One☆

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Yifan let out a sigh as he got up from his chair at his cramped desk. "You are free to go now Mr. Wu." His boss said in her gentle sheep-like voice.

"Alright then, see you again on Thursday boss." He replied as he grabbed his bags and before he walked out the door he waved to his boss and bid her a good day before exiting the veterinary clinic. Once the tall man reached home, he immediately lay down on his couch and drifted into a deep sleep.

Yifan yawned as he got up and stretched his long limbs, a small cramp forming in his shoulder from sleeping on such a small space. "hm? Only 4:56, I only slept like 2 hours." He mumbled to himself as he got up to put some more casual clothes on instead of his scrubs that were now wrinkled. He decided to put on a white t-shirt and grey sweats, he thought he might as well go get some fresh air so he slipped on some shoes and went outside. He sat on his porch for a while until he heard small squeaking sounds coming from somewhere near the lake, he went to go investigate but found nothing, that was until he saw a long, white, and fluffy tail spring up from the grass. He touched the tail and that was when the animal sprung around in shock, but not hurting the gentle giant in any way, "aw a kitty, hey there fella, what are you doing all the way out here?" he said in a calm tone while slowly putting out his hand to gain the kittens trust. A mew escaped the cats mouth again as it tried to inch its way over to Yifan to sniff him, Yifan noticed the tiny fluff struggling and picked it up and brought it to his porch to see if it was okay.
He tried to get it to walk but then realised that it had trouble moving its leg that was most likely hurt, good thing he was a vet, he brought the small cat inside and laid a fuzzy towel down with some tuna and water for the kitten as he went to go get all his supplies. He saw no blood on its leg but he did see its joint slightly out of place, so he tried his best to gently push it back so it connected and tightly wrapped a bandage around it before patting the kittens head and bringing it to his room, along with the towel, food, water, and he also grabbed some newspaper. He set all the stuff down near his drawer, he knelt down towards the kitten and said "I'm going to go out for a bit and buy you some stuff so stay here a be a good kitty, don't worry I wont be long" and then kissing the top of the kittens head and walking out of his bedroom, closing the door. He put his shoes on again and headed out the door and into his car so he could drive to the pet shop that wasn't too far away from his house.

He picked up a bag of food, some toys, a scratching post, a bed, and a litter box, just about everything a cat needs. When the tall man arrived home, he saw that his bedroom door was opened, he was sure he closed it when he left, so why was it open? Yifan rushed to his room to see if the cat was still there, the bag of items still in his hand, he heard a cough from behind him and swung the bag around to hit whoever was inside his home, but all that was in sight was the small calico kitten sitting in front of him, head tilted cutely. Yifan sighed in relief, thank goodness there wasn't an intruder. Yifan put the stuff he originally had out for the kitten away and placed down the bag and emptied out the cat goods and placed the medium sized cat bed beside his, the litter box against the wall, the toys and scratching post near the window across from his bed, and then took 2 small bowls and filled them with food and water. "There we go, you should be good now" he smiled softly at the kitten until a thought suddenly struck him, 'am I going to keep him?', Yifan didn't see any problem with keeping the kitten, and the kitten seemed to like him. Yifan sighed, he really didn't have the heart to give away the kitten, and it wasn't wearing a collar or anything so it could have been a stray, "I guess I'm going to have to keep you" he sighed, "but you need a name first, hmmm..... how about....Ace? Yea, that's it, Ace!". The calico tilted it's head in confusion, the tall man just guessing it obviously wasn't used to the name 'Ace' yet.


Hello! This is my first time writing a fic, so I apologize if I make any writing mistakes! Also sorry its kind of short, but don't worry I have already begun writing the second chapter so that may be up soon. Feel free to give me some criticism, I would really appreciate it if you did since i would like to improve! And just a heads up, I'm really bad when it comes to me actually getting up and writing because it takes me a while to actually get a good idea of what will happen next so sorry if I don't update alot. Anyway, thank you for reading and I hope you like it!

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