☆Chapter Two☆

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"Wow, it's already 11:30 at night, you and I should get to bed Ace, I guess since its your first night here you can sleep with me so you can feel safe" Yifan said to the kitten, even though it probably didn't understand a word he was saying, I mean, he's talking to a cat for crying out loud, but, the calico still perked up at Yifans words as he lifted the small cat up and into his bed. "Goodnight, Ace." Yifan said as he drifted off into dreamland.

As Yifan was waking up, he felt something heavy on him, he tried to reach up to feel what it was, but his arms were being crushed in the weight of whatever was on him, it was way too heavy to be a kitten, so what on earth was on him? Yifan tried his best to open his eyes, and that's when he saw a boy with straight jet black hair, white furry ears peeking out from the top of his head, and a long and fluffy white tail with cream-tangerine spots on it coming out from the boys behind, and not only that, Yifan noticed that the boy was completely naked. Yifans eyes widened and he shrieked, what was some naked boy doing in his bed? He was sure he didn't get drunk or go to any club last night, he was just with Ace.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU AND HOW DID YOU GET IN HERE?!" Yifan demanded an answer from the boy, but he just sat up lazily and rubbed his eyes. "I SAID WHO ARE YOU, WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?!" Yifan asked again.

"m-master, what are you talking about its me yi- err, Ace." The boy said quietly "and don't swear, it's not nice" he added.


"look if you would please stop yelling I can explain all of this to you" said the boy, fear slightly appearing in his voice.

"FINE WHATEVER" Yifan agreed to let the boy speak.

"-And so I'm actually a cat hybrid, and my name isn't Ace, it's Yixing." The cat boy explained.

"Well that was a crazy story but to avoid an argument I'm going to just believe you" Yifan said.

"I'm sorry that I caused you so much stress earlier, I will do anything to make up for it" Yixing told the man.

"No no no, it's fine, but I think I need to get you some uh....clothes..." Yifan replied somewhat shyly. Yixing furrowed his eyebrows and looked down.

"What do you mean master?" he asked giving Yifan a confused look.

"Well you cant just go walking around naked, especially in MY house that I live in." Yifan replied, taking off his shirt and putting it over the boys head, "just wear this around the house for now, until I can buy you some clothes... Also please stop calling me master, my name is Yifan".

"Hey Yixing? It's already 2 o' clock and the mall closes at around 6, and since it's gonna take a while to get there did you want to go now?" Yifan asked.

"Okay but, what am I going to wear out since I'm not allowed to go with just a shirt on" The boy replied, tugging at the hem of the big shirt Yifans shirt.

"Hold on one moment" Yifan told Yixing, he decided he would call up his friend Luhan and ask to borrow some of his clothes, since Yixing appeared to be the same size as his friend. Ah yes, Luhan. Yifan and Luhan have been friends since eighth grade, they were really close and often joked around with each other, Yifan even had a crush on Luhan in high school, but could you blame him? That boy is literally perfection, beautiful honey colored locks, sparkling chocolate eyes, and the cutest button nose. Putting Yifans silly crush on Luhan aside, he really didn't think that Luhan would find it strange if Yifan borrowed his clothes for a while.

"What do you need my clothes for?!" Luhan questioned.

"Oh my god please don't ask me why, it's a really long story that I don't have time to explain right now so could you just please come over and bring some clothes that you don't wear often, I promise I'll give them back." Yifan responded, how could he ever explain to his best friend that he has some cat boy living with him?

"Ugh, alright fine, I'll be there in around 10. You better give them back." Luhan said slightly annoyed as the call ended.

"What was that about?" Yixing asked the tall man.

"I got someone coming over to bring some clothes for you, and when they come I need you to stay in the bedroom." Yifan told him.

"Yay! I'm getting clothes! I knew master- uh, Yifan would be good to me!" the boy exclaimed as he jumped into the tallers arms, smiling brightly. Yifan blushed at Yixings action, but then chuckled and wrapped his arms around the boy and spun around while hugging him.

The two laughed and goofed around for a bit until Yifan heard a knock in his door, he stood frozen in shock before realizing what he had to do, the knocking became harder. "Hurry go to the bedroom go go go go!" Yifan said as he rushed Yixing to his bedroom and slammed the door, just at that moment he heard another door open.

"Hey Kevin get the hell down here!" Luhan shouted from the door.

"How many times do I need to tell you to not call me Kevin" Yifan sighed as he walked to his front door, he really did not like being called by his English name, but he had to try to deal with it because Luhan is a little shit.

"Whatever Kevin" Luhan said as he threw the bag of his clothes at Yifans face. "There's my clothes you creep, I hope you're not going to do anything funny with them, who knows what you'll do, with your weird fantasies, you know that Sehun is my boyfriend right? What if I told him about what y-"

"Dude shut the fuck up and chill the fuck out, I think you got Sehuns dick too far up your ass, you know damn well I wouldn't do that type of shit to your clothes, plus, you have the worst fashion sense" Yifan replied with sass, lightly hitting Luhan to get him to shut up.

"Says the dude who wore that ugly ass purple wig and ended up looking like an eggplant" Luhan said with a cocky look on his face.

"Okay I get it, that wasn't one of my best fashion choices. By the way, you can leave now, I got somewhere to be." Yifan told his short friend as he picked up his bag of clothes.

"Yea I'm sure" Luhan commented sarcastically. "But whatever, I'll leave now" the smaller male said as he flipped off his taller friend and walked out the door.


I'm sorry this took a lot longer to finish than I expected, I got a new phone that's a lot bigger than my old one and I'm still trying to get used to typing on it, I think I need Yifan sized hands for this phone haha. But hopefully i can get chapter 3 up soon, and again, I hope you enjoy this chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2016 ⏰

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