12. I'm As Confused As Kloe Kardashian In Law School!

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Working at a music store in New York doesn't exactly get the highest pay, but at least i got to work around everything i love and know about. Sometimes, i would have to give guitar, piano, and voice lessons when Kitty, the regular music teacher, couldn't do it. 

Although pretty much everyone who worked there was nice (or at least the New Yorker's definition of nice), my favorite coworker was probably Kitty. She was a tall, thin black woman who had an adorable hairstyle that only she could pull off. But  i love her because she does it all while being 34, and had no plastic surgery, unlike pretty much everyone else in the store.

So, i was working my regular shift, helping people find the right guitar, finding CD's for people, working the register, and stuff like that. Then, out of nowhere, James walks into the store. 

"James? What are you doing here? Do you...actually care about music?" i gasped sarcastically because when we were dating, James never liked music.

"Well, I thought i'd try listening to some. I could learn to like it" he said, which surprised me.

"Where did this change of thought come from?" i asked suspiciously. i really couldn't tell what he was up to, if he was up to anything.

"You want the truth?" he said with a slight laugh.

"That would be nice..." i replied, even more suspiciously.

"I really could care less about music. That was just an excuse to come down here and see you" I started looking though CD's nervously, to make it look like i was busy. I let out a nervous laugh.

"What? Me? Why?"

Then, he pulled me close and kissed me. As soon as i wrapped my mind around the situation and realized what was happening, i pulled away quickly.

"Uhm. Would you mind telling me what the hell that was?" i asked in an irritated tone, but with a confused expression. He laughed.

"Just trying something," he said with a smile as he walked out of the store, leaving me as confused and angry as Kloe Kardashian would be if someone forced her through law school.

Kitty walked over to me, laughing. She put her hands on her hips and said, "Girl, i never saw you as the type to pull away from some candy like that. Mmhm!" That made me smile.

"Thanks, Kitty. But that was my ex from high school and we're really nothing alike. Plus, i'm kind of dating Drew now, i guess"

"Drew? Finally! Well, i can see why you would wanna turn down that for a hunk like Drew, but really? Honey, you're dating, not dead! If you want some, just go and get some!"  Everything she said always seemed made me laugh.

"Again, thanks, but i'm not the type to sleep around. See you later, Kitty. That's the end of my shift" She ruffled my hair and said, "Okay, sweetie. But if you're not gonna take him, tell that boy that Kitty's always available!" i pushed her.

"Kitty! You're married!" i yelled, laughing.

"Hey, i'm married, not dead! See you later, Nay"


I drove around looking for a place to eat for dinner. I saw Rosemary's Italian, and remembered Levi saying that he works there. Oh, what the heck? I thought as i pulled into the restaurant parking.

I walked up to the restaurant and opened the doors to where everyone was waiting for their tables. I looked for a hostess that could seat me. I looked over at the tables and, of course, i saw Margaux sitting at one and  talking to a waitress, probably asking where Levi was. I ran over to her and tapped on her shoulder.

"Mind if i join you?" i said, sliding into the seat across from her. The waitress asked me if i wanted a drink, so i just told her to bring me an iced tea. "So, you're looking for a certain Levi, i imagine," i asked her, smirking slyly. She smiled.

"Actually, i was. And i'm not embarrassed to tell you that he's officially my boyfriend now, either!" she replied proudly.

"Wow! So, that's it, huh? He asked you to be his girlfriend?"

"Well wouldn't you take your girlfriend to meet your family?" she said, answering my question with another question.

"Ooh fancy. Are you nervous?" i asked. She was about to reply, but her eyes got all flirty as Levi walked up to our table carrying our drinks. He smiled and gave her a quick kiss, but she pulled him closer, turning it into a make out. "Woa there! Let's try and keep it PG here, for now," i said, laughing.

"Sorry, Naomi. I just cant keep my hands off of my Margie!" he said, which made Margaux giggle.

He took our orders, winked at Margaux and then headed off. Suddenly, i remembered what had happened with James at work that day.

"Hey, Margaux? Guess what happened at work today...?" i said, trailing off and playing with the straw in my iced tea.

"What?" she said, unaware of how painful it was for me to speak of.

"Well, James came in and--"

"Hey, that's something in itself! He's alway hated music, right?" she said, cutting me off.

"Not really, compared to what happened next..." i said quickly, gulping down my drink. She nearly knocked over the table in excitement.

"Tell me! You just have to tell me! What happened next?" she urged. i sighed.

"Then, he...he..." i stumbled, watching Margaux's face explode with anticipation. "He kissed me, okay? I don't know why, but all he said afterwards was, 'Just trying something' and then he walked out on me, just like that! What the hell kind of crap is that?" i yelled. The people at the table next to ours looked at me with confused faces. Then, one of the girls at that table said, "Let me guess, an ex? What a loser. DO NOT go back to him, i say"

Levi came back to the table with our dinner, and he slid into the chair next to Margaux's.

"Oh, and Naomi, i have the song ready. i'll email you the sheet music and, uhm, i guess i could send you a video of me singing it..." he said, not really sure how to end the sentence.

"You know what? Just come over and show me the song there," i said, scribbling my address on a napkin and handing it to him. "Come tomorrow afternoon"

"Oh, tomorrow Margaux and i are going to lunch so she can meet my family at 12:30. Maybe after?" Margaux's face lit up.

"Hey! Levi, honey, Nay should come with us!" she shouted excitedly. I think she just wanted someone else she knew to be there. i smiled nervously.

"Would that be totally weird?" i asked Levi, who shook his head.

"Not at all. Feel free to come" he said as he went back to his job and Margaux and i started chatting endlessly like we usually did.


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