39. My Happy Ending

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Later, Margaux and Levi said their goodbyes to everyone before leaving to their honeymoon suite, and I had a feeling they wouldn't be out for a while. I was so happy for them; I knew they'd be together for a long time, if not their whole lives. And I was positive it would go that way for me and Drew.

I had to go to one last rehearsal on the stage that night. Everything was working perfect. When I stood on that stage, I felt like I was exactly where I needed to be. Like I was really home at last. The only other place that I felt as comfortable was in Drew's arms.

I got back to the hotel at about ten, expecting Drew to be sitting on the couch, watching a football game or something. Instead, no one was there. I saw a boquet of roses on the coffee table. There was also a note in the roses.

"look out the front window, love <3"

I tilted my head and smiled, walking over to the front window. I looked down at the beautiful beach view and saw Drew standig there, waving his arms. I laughed and opened the window, leaning out like I was a priincess locked away in a tower.

"Drew, honey, what are you doing?" I yelled down.

"I've been waiting for you all night! Get down here"

"I'll be there in a second," I yelled back, smiling widley. I quickly slipped on a tank top and some shorts. I wasn't going down to the beach in my concert dress.

I ran down eagerly to Drew, who was standing with his arms spread out wide. I ran into his arms, and he grabbed me by the waist and picked me up, bride style. I giggled, but he knew that if had been anyone else doing that, I would've screamed bloody murder.

I put my arms around his neck and stared deep into his eyes. They almost shined as much as his smile. He put me down and I frowned for a second, without meaning to. I guess that just means I hated being separated from him, even for one second.

I stood up on my toes to kiss him, keeping my hands on his shoulders for balance. He surprised me by lifting me up in the air. I giggled and felt the cool breeze as he spun me around. He put me down and laaced his fingers with mine, swinging them as we walked down the shoreline. I looked up at the night sky. It was the prefect royal blue, filled with stars. The stars were beautiful, but they looked like they stopped shining everytime Drew smiled.

"Do you know why I love you so much?" I asked, looking up at his face. He only smiled in response, replacing the stars.

"I love you because you have such a genuine heart. You would save someone's life if you had a chance. That's how you stand apart from everyone else's selfishness. That is, on top of everything else that drives me crazy about you"

"The reason that I am that way is because of you"

I didn't even know what to say. I only stopped walking and kissed him, with tears in my eyes. I loved him more than anyone or anything, and I would love him forever.

We walked some more in perfectly comfortable silence, talking with our eyes. After a while, we were laughing and chasing eachother pointlessly. He pushed me into the water playfully, or by accident. The water was freezing and I gasped and shivered. When Drew's face looked apologetic, he reached his hand out to help me up. I took it and pulled him in with me. He splashed me with water and I splashed him back. We were laughing and having the time of our lives.

The waved rolled through us peacefully and I kissed him deeply, forgetting the rest of the world. I wished that moment would never end. Ever.

Just two kids completely in love.


"Alright, Nay, calm down. Breath. Breath. You are gonna walk onto that stage and be the amazing Naomi you are," Margaux soothed. I breathed in.

"You're right. Okay, okay. Five minutes to go"

Drew and Levi ran up to me. Levi gave me a hug.

"We're all super pumped for this, Naomi! The crowd's really excited, too!" he shouted happily.

"Awesome! Whew, I'm glad"

"You look amazing," Drew said, smiling. "And you'll be amazing out there"

I smiled and they announced OneRepublic and the crowd cheered. Margaux hugged me.

"We better go take our seats. Go get 'em, tiger!" she said, making a tiger noise. Drew kissed me and pulled away after a while.

"I love you"

He smirked and walked away before I could get out of my daze to say it back. I stared at where he left, like I was in a trance. After what seemed like forever, OneRebublic finished and they announced my name. I breathed in deeply.

"I love you, too. More than anything," I said before I walked out onto the stage. Everyone went wild as I smiled and waved. I walked to center stage and waited for the cheers to calm down a little bit.

"How you doin', Los Angeles?!" I screamed. Everyone cheered even laouder. I smiled. "Perfect. I thought I might play some songs for you tonight. Everyone cool with that?!"

Everyone cheered in response. I just loved it, so I clapped and laughed.

I played "Never Before" as my first song, then a couple more songs from my album. I waited for everyone to settle down after one of them.

"Now if you guys don't mind, I'd like to do a cover of one of my favorite songs. I acctually sang this song for my New York Talent audition. This is Adele's 'Someone Like You'"

I sang with all my heart and soul, and I sang it better than I had ever sang before. Tears of true love filled my eyes when everyone in the crowd sang the song with me.

"Nevermind, I'll find someone like you.... I wish nothing but the best for you. Don't forget me, I beg. I'll remember you said, 'Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead...'"

I looked out at the adoring crowd of fans singing their hearts out. A group of twelve-year old girls sreamed and waved signs that said, "WE LOVE NAOMI" and "NAOMI FOREVR"

There were couples in the crowd, making out, singing together. Totally in love. They reminded me so much of me and Drew.

Then, I saw Levi with his arm around Margaux, who looked like she had never been having a better time in her life. I saw Drew standing next to them in the top balcony. He was clapping and singing along with everyone else. He looked proud as ever; feeling lucky to call me his.

It was then that I realized that everything had worked out perfectly, even if it took some time. There were some twists and turns on the way, but for those shining moments, nothing could bring me down. Everything I ever wanted was right in front of me. As it turns out, all of my dreams were sitting there all along. I figured out that I couldn't wait for them to come true on their own, so I made them happen. And It wasn't so simply complicated after all...

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