Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Clark And Santos; Step 1: Seduce

"Target one: Noah Clark and Daniel Santos." Val explains to Iris.

"Um, but aren't they the biggest players in Uni? Shouldn't we go for the not-so-notorious ones first?" Iris interjects. Sure, she was a bit shy but she did have a voice and a lot of sass which made her all the more irresistible.

"But there aren't any not-so-notorious ones? Look, you go after Clark and I'll take Santos," Val tells her, Iris' eyes widening a bit at the fact that she'll have to go after the cocky yet totally confident one. "And it only makes sense. Noah, being the cocky jerk who's used to girls throwing themselves at him will be lured towards your 'shy' persona, whilst Daniel being the slightly more shy one will be attracted to my so-called 'dark and mysterious' persona."

Iris nods. "But we'll have to get it done fast. We can't get involved ourselves even though our intentions are cruel."

"Well yes, obviously. You know what you have to do right?" She asks one final time, to which Iris nods. "Perfect. Let's get our plan in action then. But remember: I approach Daniel first, then your turn."

"Done. Let's do this." She fist pumps in the air, to which Val just sighs and gets up from Iris' bed, sauntering her way out of their dorm.


Val leans against her black motorcycle, clouds of smoke slipping from her mouth as she carelessly smoked in school premises.

Obviously she was rich enough to do it with not one single care in the world as she waited for David to exit the building meant for Art students. Finally, after what felt like years, he emerged from within the building. Quickly putting out her cigarette, she waved her hand.

"Hey, Daniel! Wait up."

Although Daniel Santos was a player, he was completely shy on the inside and Valencia was going to bring out that side of his. The fact that he already had a crush on her for the longest time made it much easier.

Unconsciously blushing a bit, he turned to Val, trying his absolute best to not faint.

"Yeah?" The nonchalant tone was just an act.

Running a hand through her ebony waves, she smiles a bit.

"Well, I was wondering, you're amazing in Literature, and I'm slacking a bit this time becuse the novel's too damn boring. So, could you, like, tutor me a bit?" She bites her lip.

"Wh-what?!" His heart stops, but then he realizes he's supposed to be cool. "I mean, yeah, sure. Your dorm or mine?"

"Dorm 164. Four p.m. I'll be waiting." She swiftly turns around before he can utter a single word, smirking as she saunters her way back.

"Yeah, I'll be there." He calls out, and she turns around, winking once before walking away.

"Dorm 164." He mumbles before realizing he's got only an hour to get ready, sprinting back in the opposite direction of Val to the guys' dorms.


Val's words ring in her head as she bumps into Noah Clark on her way to class.

Your turn, babe. Show him who's boss.

Purposely of course, but he doesn't have to know that.

"Oh, um, sorry. I, I didn't see you there." Iris pretends to grab her books but Noah beats her to it, their hands brushing as they reach out for the same book.

Noah had never felt a hand this velvety soft as he looks up, locking their gaze for a few moments before Iris fake blushes and looks down, getting up. He hands her, her Biology textbook.

"Thanks." She blushes again.

"No problem, I'd pick up books for a beauty like you any day." He admits, smirking.

"Just pick up books? Shame, I thought you were one of those who'd ask a girl out on such events. But since you're not, I'll just work with this." She pretends to push past him when he grabs her wrist, turning her around.

"Hey, now. You can't just hurt my ego and walk away like that. Tell you what, my class gets over at four. Meet me at my dorm, we'll watch a movie." He proposes.

"Hmm. But no making moves on me." She says.

"Ha, don't worry, I won't. Wouldn't want to upset the beauty, now would we?" He laughs. "I'll see you around then, Iris."

The fact that he knew her name was slightly disturbing at first, until she remembered that he was in three of her classes. She makes her way to class, running a hand through her fiery hair. She smirks.

This was easier, much, much easier than I thought. Oh, Noah Clark, you're so gonna get it for hurting one of my friends.

Val passes by Iris, both of them exchanging smirks, conveying to each other that they've caught the prey.

Iris enters her Biology class, and through half of the class she thinks about what she's gonna wear and what moves is she gonna make. The other half is spent plotting Noah Clark's death. And she doesn't care whether she pays attention or not, because she knows she's the smartest and that she'll pass with fucking flying colours. After class, she immediately gets up and heads towards her dorm, eager to tell Valencia everything. Not to mention make her spill everything too.

Ah, life's great, ain't it?

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