Ch1: Meeting Kaylee The Assassin

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Kaylee's POV: 

Hi I'm Kaylee the assassin extraordinaire I have brown hair with blue streaks.  I have hazel eyes that sparkle.  I wear the same outfit i died in, a pink shirt and black jeans, and black flats. As well as a little red cape around my neck. I have a belt that holds my knifes, ready at any moment.

As i walk threw the forest of tall slender trees, i remember the tragic day.


3'd person POV:

A little girl twirling in circles her red cape flying in the wind giggling, she looks up to see a tall tree.

she giggles as she climbs up it and pushes her self onto a branch, standing up to see the view.  All of a sudden her footing slips and she starts descending to the ground. Unfortunately her cape gets caught on the branch. She struggles and screams in pain, trying to undo the cape.  slowly the life is dragged out of her little body and he limbs hang at her side dangling.


Kaylee's POV:

After i died the last thing i remember is seeing my own body and my parents crying over me. Thats when i became and apprentice of the grim reaper. He would tell me who's time it was to die and i would listen. What else would i do i was dead. So i eventually became a full fledged assassin.

I walk threw the forest looking at my tracker for my next victim. There's a "CRACK" behind me i turn to see.................. 

AN: Ciffhanger :p see ya soon -K

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