Chapter 3 Daughter of Death

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I lunged my knife into my victim's neck ending her life. A blue ball of light came out of her dead body and I quickly grabbed it, eating yet another innocent soul. I put my knife back into my belt and got out of the house as soon I heard the cops were coming.

I headed back to the underworld where my father waits for me. Then a memory flooded into me.


Third POV:

Ronnie was a sweet little girl who had the devil as her mother. She party partied all night and gets drunk and has no time to even care about Ronnie. Ronnie was always locked up in her room, crying her eyes out.

Ever since her father left when she was 1, her mother got depressed more and more as the days go by. Ronnie doesn't even know a time when her mother was truly happy.

Soon enough it got too far. Ronnie's own mother started abusing her. She gets kicked if she didn't do the chores fast enough, punched if she doesn't answer right away, or even stabbed with a pocket knife for just still being alive.

One night Ronnie decided to run away. She jumped out of the window and headed to no where. All she did was run and wasn't stopping until her house was out of sight.

She stopped when a hand came over her mouth and a knife at her neck. She thought it was her insane mother but it was someone worse. He had pure white skin, black rings around his eyes, and black raggedy hair.

"Don't worry it will end soon."

She tried to escape his grip but the knife at her throat didn't help. Ronnie started to cry. Her life was about to end when the murderer said 3 words, "Go To Sleep."

Darkness came.

She woke up in a strange place. It was all dark with lava and fire. Ronnie looked around and seen a big guy in a throne with armor with skulls.

She thought she would be in heaven since she was the good girl. "Its so nice to see my own daughter again." he said with a deep strong voice.

Confusion mode activated.

"I am the god of Death child."

"but-" she muttered but was cut off by Death. "I'm so sorry you died. Jeff just doesn't listens to me, but soon I will see him here."

Ronnie couldn't believe this. Her dad is death, a super cool god and her mother never said a thing. Even though she is drunk.

"Its time for you to become the demon you are and work for your old man," he spoked, "sorry to say this but you are destined to kill. I made you half demon but it won't show until your 13." he put both hands on my shoulders. "What do you say come and be with your father and have less souls come to the underworld or..."

"or what?" I yelled at him.

"Or your soul will be lost." he finished.

Not much of a choice dad, Ronnie thought to herself. Finally she nodded and was given a sword and knife. "That's my girl." he smiled.

End of Flashback.

first person POV:

I been happy ever since. A smirk came across my face. So Jeff is the one who killed me. I'll make sure I will get his soul next.

I sense a soul near by but this one was strange. Its a assassin soul, one of father's grim reapers apprentice. I tried to walk up to her but of course I had to step on a twig making a crack sound, giving away my position.

I tried to run away but my long brown hair with the ends blood red got caught on a tree. (R)

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