[ preference two ]

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Preference 2: How you two met.

Stefan: Being a Parker was hard. But at least you didn't have a twin that you had to merge with when you turned 22. Being new to this whole witchy thing, you decided to go to Mystic Falls, to find Sheila Bennett's granddaughter, Bonnie Bennett. Sheila had said that Bonnie would be a powerful witch when she found her powers, and that if you ever wanted to nourish your powers, she was the person you should go to. The problem was her friends... Her vampire friends. You wanted to meet her alone, so you sent a note telling her to meet you in the Cemetery. Although, she didn't come alone, she brought a vampire. But, then again, he was a cute vampire.
"Hello, Bonnie." You started, seeing her walking through the woods towards you. The vampire stepped in front of her protectively, but you waved him away. "I wish no harm. I'm Y/N, and I need your help."
Bonnie said something quietly to the guy, before smiling and walking up to you. "Hello, Y/N. I'm Bonnie... But you already knew that." She said with a laugh. "And that," She turned to face the boy, "That is Stefan." He smiled at you, causing your cheeks to go the slightest shade of pink.
"Thank you, Bonnie, Stefan. I have much to discuss."

Damon: It was senior year of high school, so you decided to go back to Mystic Falls to spend it with your brother and sister. After your mother and father died, you skipped town to gather your thoughts and heal, however long it took. Coming back to Mystic Falls was a hassle, you didn't even know why you decided to come back. Was it just instinct? You didn't know. All you knew was that you were back in Mystic Falls and this was your once chance to mend things with your siblings. Bracing yourself, you opened your car door and stepped out, shutting it behind you and walking up to the doorstep of your old house. You took a breath, steadied yourself and knocked on the door, only for it to be opened by a man with the face of an angel. No, a face carved by angels. Confused, and showing it, you took a step back. "I.. Um... Do the Gilberts live here anymore? As in, Elena, Jeremy and Jenna?" You said quietly.
The man nodded. "Yeah, they live here. And you are?"
"I'm Y/N. Um... I'm their older sister. Not Jenna's, of course. Elena and Jeremy's. Oh god, I'm so bad at this. I'm just gonna leave now." You said, pointing behind you to the car, only to be spotted by your sister, who's mouth dropped open at the sight of you. You smiled at her, tears beginning to form in your eyes.
"Excuse me." You said to the man, pushing past him and towards your sister, hugging her tightly.
"I see you've met Damon." Elena said with a small laugh, to which you just nodded, holding her close.
"Yeah, I guess I have."

Klaus: Your brother Tyler was always a little aggressive. Or, a lot aggressive. But that was all explained when he triggered his werewolf curse. And then, to top everything off, he got turned into a hybrid. Part werewolf, part vampire. Great. He'd been acting strange over the past few weeks, and you'd been determined to find out why. Although, you'd never got to the reason why. But you were still planning on doing so. The plan was that you were going to find whoever did this to your brother and demand answers. Or.. Something. You cornered your brother one day in hope of getting a few answers. The only 'answer' you got, though, was a "I'll take you to see him", like that was any help. You shook your head and told your brother to take you to whoever 'he' was right now, and so he did so. He took you to a house near the borders of town and walked inside.
"Tyler." A strong British accent came from one of the halls. A man walked through a doorway and you gasped. He smiled at you before saying, "You okay there, love?"
You nodded, getting a strange look from Tyler, before saying, "I'm Y/N."
The man looked at you to Tyler. "Niklaus. Nice to meet you, Y/N."

Elijah: Jazz music echoed around the bar as you walked in. You ordered a drink of champagne, before walking towards the balcony to meet Klaus Mikaelson. There, he and his sister, Rebekah, sat in a booth, Rebekah busy feeding on a young woman, about 20, with another vampire. You frowned before setting your drink down on the table and clearing your throat. Klaus grinned widely, looking at his sister.
"Oh, hello Y/N." Your best friend, Rebekah, greeted you, pushing the young woman into the other vampire and wiping the corners of her mouth.
"Hello, Rebekah." You said, although you were still looking at the man drinking from the girl, intrigued somehow.
Rebekah raised an eyebrow and followed your gaze. "Ah, I didn't tell you about this one, did I?"
Klaus laughed from behind you and you rolled your eyes. "No, Rebekah. Please, introduce me to your friend." You said, sitting down in the booth next to them.
As you took a sip of your champagne, the vampire lifted his head from the woman's neck. "All done. All drained." He said plainly, wiping the corners of his mouth with a handkerchief.
Rebekah laughed. "Yes, brother. That is what happens when you drink someone dry." You raised your eyebrows... Brother?
Klaus sat down next to his brother, looking around the bar uninterestedly. He sighed before leaning over and whispering something to his brother, which made the other Mikaelson smile.
Rebekah rolled your eyes. "Oh, you two. Stop talking about your next victim. It's Y/N's time."
You shook your head. "No, I ate before I came." You said with a small giggle, which gained a smile from the three originals.
The mystery Mikaelson put his handkerchief onto the table. "Well, Y/N. It's good to finally meet you, I'm Elijah."

Kol: An envelope came through the door as you were walking down the stairs of the Donovan house. You looked around, confused, and proceeded to walk down the hall to the front door, where you picked up the letter lying on the floor. Cautiously, you turned the envelope over and ripped along the edge, pulling out the letter inside. You skimmed your fingers over the words and read them silently in your head:
Please join the
Mikaelson family
This evening at seven o'clock
For dancing, cocktails & celebration.
You frowned and flipped the letter over in your hand. Strange, it's not like you, or Matt, to be invited to the Mikaelson's house. You shrugged, walking through the door to the living room and putting the letter down in front of your cousin.
"What is this?" You said, looking at Matt with confusion.
He sat up straight on the couch and skimmed over the letter. "Well, Y/N. It looks like an invite to me."
You rolled your eyes. "Don't be sarcastic. Are we going or not?"
Matt shrugged. "Why not?"
You nodded and made your way back upstairs to get ready.
6:45 on the clock. Matt yelled from his bedroom at you, "You ready yet?"
You touched up on your lipstick and hairspray before yelling back, "Yup. Let's go." You grabbed your purse before walking downstairs and out the door, where your cousin waited graciously with Caroline Forbes and Tyler Lockwood. Caroline sighed in relief. "Thank God. You're finally ready."
You chuckled before walking down the steps. "Very nice, Caroline. Let's just go already."
You reached the Mikaelson's house bang on 7 o'clock. On the way inside, you were greeted by two waiters, either side of you, offering a glass of champagne. You took one and thanked them, before straying from your group. After a while, you bumped into Carol, Tyler's mother. You smiled and exchanged nice words, before walking off again and bumbling into a man in a suit. The man looked down at you and smiled. "You look quite gorgeous today, love." He said, a hint of a British accent seeping into his words.
You blushed, looking down at yourself. "Thank you.. I'm sorry, I don't know your name. I'm Y/N." You said with a smile.
The man nodded. "Ah. Donovan, right? I'm Kol Mikaelson. Nice to meet you, love."

Kai: "Oh, my God!" Your brother yelled from the Salvatore living room. You sighed, what now? You put down the book you were reading and walked through the halls to the living room, which was currently acting like Hogwarts with Josette practicing magic and destroying your house in the process.
"What's wrong now, Damon?" You said, walking through the door to the room. Everyone turned to face you.
"That little bitch has Elena." Damon said through gritted teeth. "He has Elena, Y/N!"
You nodded. "Ah. Well... We'll have to go and get her then, won't we?"
Damon shook his head. "We? No, no. I. And a witch, if course. I need a cloaking spell."
You sighed, throwing your arms in the air. "Elena means just as much to me as she does to you, Damon! Let me help."
Damon shook his head. "I said no, Y/N." And you could tell he wasn't going to change his mind. But you were going to help Elena, and your brother wasn't going to hurt himself in the process. You shook your head, turning around to go back to the library. Damon turned around to face the group, and when he did, you vamp-sped behind him and snapped his neck, causing him to fall to the ground. You looked down with a pout before wiping your hands on your jeans. "Right. Who's gonna help me with Elena?"
You parked outside the school with the witch Liv Parker by your side. She said she'd help you do the cloaking spell to get past Kai without being noticed and get Elena, before leaving the building and taking her back to the house. Sounded like an OK plan to you. But that plan was distorted when Lucas, Liv's twin, showed up and took her. You needed another witch. And fast. You sighed and looked around, before fumbling in your pocket, bringing out your phone and calling Alaric. You exchanged some... Unkind words about Josette before she agreed to come help. In 10 minutes, Jo had arrived outside of school and cloaked you both, which was the first part of the plan. Next, you both went inside school. You reached Elena in no time, who was glad to see you.
"Elena.. You look.. Terrible! What happened?" You said with a gasp.
"What happened?" A young man's voice said from behind them. "Well... That would've been me, unfortunately."
You gulped before turning around and locking eyes with the young man that had his arms around Jo's neck, the same position your's was in when you snapped your brother's neck. You gasped before unlocking eyes with him and turning back to Elena, who was already undo-ing the ropes. You turned back to the man and smiled sweetly.
"I'm sorry, I never caught your name." You said with a giggle, hoping to distract him.
His grip on Jo slackened a bit, before replying, "I'm.. Uh.. Kai. Kai Parker."
You nodded, "Well, Kai. It was nice to meet you." You said, before running towards him and biting his neck, causing him to lift his hands to his neck in pain. Elena caught Jo, before running out of the classroom along with you and down the hall, to where you three left the school and ran back to the Salvatore house. There awaited a very angry brother and a very angry Alaric.

A/N: Hi! So this took really long to write omg wow. I kinda like how they turned out though.
Which of the six boys is your favourite?

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