Fine Cold Day...

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Just like all the other days of December we thought it might be. Just another day for school we thought it was gonna be...

Got up early for school just like i always used to do. The same Bus,the same distance ,the same APS school. The same Warsuk road .Not even the weather had some hint in it what was gonna happened next. Actually,no one of us,not anyone of us had any idea what this day of school was gonna turn out for us.

The young Garrisons
(Students of APS).

Here at APS we aim for the best future ,not just in education in all fields of life . Not just our future but of the future of whole country . You know what i mean , They prepare us physically and mentally for being a patriot, & i'm quite happy to say that the were ninety-nine point nine nine percent done..
I still remember i got up from the breakfast table.
My mom told me

"where are you leaving so soon? Without breakfast ? "

i said "it's all fine ,i'll be back in the afternoon and then we'll have lunch together"

PEEP-PEEP ! There came the school bus.

"Okay mom i'll be leaving now ".

"Allah-hafiz my son..."
she said and kissed me on the forehead ....

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