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We walked off of the stage breathing heavily after preforming Electric Angel. I jumped up and down and shouted "Len, that was amazing!" Len smiled back and me and fist bumped me. "Yea, they loved us... especially you!" Kaito and Miku walked up to us and said "You guys were amazing, I knew you had it in there some wear." Len smiled. "Hey Rin , do you have a moment?"

I looked at him and smiled. "Yea, of course I do." Len nodded at Kaito. "Yea, got the message, I am in need for some ice cream anyway." Once Kaito and Miku were out of sight Len took my hand and took me to a back room wear all of the rope, curtains and weights were kept.

He checked behind all of the curtains and kissed me. "I have something for you Rin." I gasped as he spun me around and put a back and yellow quartz necklace around me neck. "Its beautiful, Len, I love it." Len looked down, clearly nervous. "I uh, wanted to get you something special as a two year anniversary..."

"Thank you Len. It's truly amazing." Len blushed and I felt a pang in my bladder. "I really need to pee." I thought."Can we head inside?" I asked him. As we headed in I felt something tug at my legs and ankles. I fell to the ground and tripped Len with me. I had to squeeze Len's hand to keep from crying out and urinating all over myself. "Wow you've got quite a grip Rin."

His face turned red as he realized that he was siting on top of my hips, in an odd, sexual position. He shot up, only to trip back down because there was a rope tied to our legs. "I-I'm sorry Rin I, uh, I'm... stuck."

His face turned even more red. In a strangled voice I said "I-It's okay." He turned around and messed with the rope, which only made it tighter. "Uh, Rin, were kind of stuck the rope is under a weight and I cant untie it... We'll be stuck here for at least three hours."

My face turned red. "T-Three h-hours?" If I didn't get to a bathroom in at least thirty minutes, I was going to wet myself. "A-Are you s-sure you can't untie it?" Len looked really concerned. "Rin, you're face is really red... Are you okay?" I completely ignored his question.

Tied Up In LoveWhere stories live. Discover now