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"I-Is it working?" Len asked quietly. He gently kissed my breasts and I gasped. It must have answered his question, because he playfully lowered himself forwards my body, hips on hips, chest against chest and lips against lips.

I despearatly grasped his shirt as his kisses got closer and closer to my privates. I could feel my whole face turn red, and my breathing quicken the closer he got.

When he was only centemeters away he looked into my eyes and a playful smile tugged at his lips. The very second I saw that suductive smile, I lost all of my control.

My eyes widened as my eyes filled with tears as my urine leaked out. I had never been so embarassed in my life.

As my urine soaked mine and lens shirt, my skirt and the edges of lens shorts, and our leg cuffs. I cryed, and wished I had just stayed home sick.

Tied Up In LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon