Chapter 3

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*** Please be kind and remember this is something I wrote a LONGGG time ago, I think when I was a freshman which was four years. Yes I know its not nearly close to "Pirates" or "My Kidnapper", but I'm trying to keep things fresh while I'm in between in my other books and since I'm going to work backwards on "My Kidnapper", I feel like I needed to post something. Maybe I'll write this someday, but I'm not sure. Probably after I finish "Pirates", becase I don't want them to end up being the same thing. So just read and please let me know what you think! Thanks. Love!***

I watched the people and the beautiful man for two days. They walked all around the island, grabbed some flowers and leaves sometimes. They went swimming in my swimming hole and slept on the beach every night. Jane hasn’t noticed them yet, but Tarzan did, right away.

Before I went to sleep the night I first saw the people Tarzan said he was watching them too but Jane was already asleep so she didn’t know anybody landed on the island. Tarzan and I agreed not to tell her yet because we liked to watch them and she wouldn’t let us go out at all if she knew they were here.

On the third day I woke up early, like I had the past two days, and went to the beach to get ready to follow the people. But the fires were out and their stuff they took with them was gone already. I looked for them everywhere and found them on the other side of the island.

They stayed on the outer circle of the island, near the beach and just inside the jungle. I wanted to talk to the beautiful man so badly. I wanted to meet him and ask him my questions, and show him the island, just me and him. But Tarzan and I both agreed we shouldn’t let them know we are here, just let them think they are alone.

The fourth day they were on the other side of the island again, so I decided to take a swim in the swimming hole. I was standing at the top of the waterfall, about to jump when I heard a splash. I looked over the edge and saw the man with the dark hair and green eyes, my beautiful man, bob up at the surface. He swam with long stokes around circles.

Drat. I wanted to go swimming today, the one day the beautiful man decides not to go with his friends. He’s swimming in the shallower end though, so maybe I can swim in the deeper end, and hide in the reeds? Yes, I’ll do that.

I dove into the water, careful not to make a splash. I swam underwater to the reeds and took a breath when I was safely hidden. But the man was gone! Oh this is just perfect. I looked all around and under the water. The man was gone, and I couldn’t watch him. I should’ve stayed up on top of the waterfall and watched from there, but no, my curiosity had to get the best of me! I swam to the edge of the water and sat on a rock that jutted out from the bank.

I sat there and thought about the man. What did he do where he came from? Did he climb trees, or ride in those motorcars? Does he have a girl? I didn’t want to think about that. Instead, I daydreamed I was his girl and I was showing him my island. 

The man never showed up again so I laid out on the rock, still thinking about the man with dark hair and green eyes. I pressed my legs to the rock, feeling the warmth on them. The turned my face up to the sun and let it kiss my face.

SPLASH! I immediately sat up and turned around. There were ripples in the water from where somebody had jumped in, but I couldn’t see anybody who could have made them. I obviously wasn’t alone anymore, so I ran to the closest tree and climbed up.

“Wait, don’t go!”

I froze, halfway up the tall tree. That wasn’t Jane’s voice, and was definitely not Tarzan’s. I was too scared to turn around, to see whose voice might have said those words.

“Please, come back! I didn’t mean to startle you.” It said again. If curiosity killed the cat, then I just used life 8 out of 9. I climbed up to the top of the tree and looked out from behind a branch. The beautiful man was swimming to the edge of the water.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2013 ⏰

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