Chapter Three: Princess of the Old Enemy (part 2)

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The brothers sat next to each other enjoying one of the perks royalty brings in the form of a nearly private balcony in the orchestra house. Almost private because there were quite a few seats, one of them occupied by an older gentleman with a slightly hunched appearance under a black jacket and misplaced fashionable shirt. If Pragius had been there, he might have introduced his brothers to Carn, the representative from Ostenza. He had not missed a performance during his term in office when he was in the city.
In any case, the brother's attention was rooted on the players on stage. Julia was there dressed in that blue shoulder-less dress Cory thought he might like to see her in and now there was no 'thought' about it. Nothing like the dresses other women in the orchestra wore but it didn't seem to bother her. She had her hair worn up which was different.
Julia turned and smiled at a new arrival. The new arrival bounced up to her like a welcome and over eager puppy. Greta almost always bounced with apparently limitless enthusiasm. Her shoulder length tightly curled auburn hair exaggerating the whole effect. Even standing still there was something bouncy about her. For those that looked carefully a few left over freckles from teenage years decorated her nose and cheek bones. After a brief exchange in which the two appeared as thick as a marketplace full of thieves, they took seats and Julia proceeded to rub some strange little block down the hairs of her now tightened violin bow.
Pre-performance rituals over Julia took up her treasured violin, stood and walked to the centre of the stage. If an artist wanted to paint a picture of seriousness and composure, her face was the perfect subject. Far from home in a foreign country with a language and customs she was only just becoming acquainted with, she still managed to own the stage and the audience before it. A hush fell, she chinned her violin readying the bow and her eyes looked up at the conductor as she nodded her command to begin.
It was subtle to start with and backed by Greta sitting with her cello. The advantage of the shoulder-less dress was starting to become apparent. Greater freedom of movement, the instrument became the focus of attention uncluttered by a backdrop clothing becoming one with the arms and shoulders of the player. The music raised its game with a deft dance between violin and cello then reached a new frenzied height with the whole orchestra joining in before descending into its breathtaking finale.
Sebastian was just as enraptured and Carn a few seats away rubbed a tear away before joining the rest of the audience in a standing ovation.
The performance left Cory even more confused as to what a talent like this had to learn in the academy here.
Cory finally did notice his brother's reaction and asked.
"What has you so enraptured?"
Sebastian, being hesitant to admit to things of this nature, paused for a few heartbeats to consider his answer. But things are different between brothers like these so he answered anyway.
"Oh, just the future mother of my children."
Cory took it as one of Sebastian's mischievous moments and countered.
"Not after I get there first."
"I wasn't talking about..."
Cory missed the serious look on his brother's face and the rest of Sebastian's answer was drowned out by the raucous start of the next piece.

With the new dimension in which to enjoy it Cory was
elated by the close of the performance.
People began filing out as the performers packed their instruments.
Carn stood to leave. It crossed his mind to introduce himself to the two princes, but he had a higher priority meeting in mind and simply nodded "Your highnesses" as he departed.
"Come on, we'll get a space in the Happy Fiddler and they will join us there." Sebastian nudged Cory under the arm as he spoke.
"I was hoping to catch Julia before she left."
"Rest assured brother the 'they' I'm talking about will include your new favourite violinist."
"How would you know?" Cory frowned not because he doubted his brother's word, just a little surprised at this step up in his social aptitude.
"My secret Scout remember?" Sebastian replied.


The Happy Fiddler was a ridiculous dancing fellow decorating a swinging name sign outside the tavern that was its namesake. He managed the impossible feat of playing the violin simultaneously with the capering of his feet. Serious violinists who had not mastered the art of placing tongue within cheek would huff, puff and criticise. Usually, one of the regulars would provide the requisite sense of humour for the benefit of the 'huffer and puffer'.
By the time people reached the bar, it was typically smiles all round and a larger round for all. The tavern keeper had a keen nose for business and did nothing by accident, except drop the occasional tray, which usually earned a round of applause. That might make the canny minded wonder if even this was a mistake.

Somehow Sebastian knew in advance what drinks to buy and placed them strategically around a table with space for six.
They started sipping their drinks not wanting to get ahead of the rest of the crowd who soon followed. The drink placement strategy placed Julia beside Cory. He was cornered. Her jacket, a description for which slipped out of Cory's mind as easily as it slipped off her shoulders, came to rest on the back of her chair which he just about summoned the presence of mind to pull out for her.
The beaming smile was still waiting for him though it had none of the shyness about it that had been there on that first day. Behind the smile lay a more confident and intelligent his first impression. Unsure of exactly the best approach to conversation to take, given his record so far, Cory just joined in with the others. Whatever came to mind came to mouth with due consideration for present company. This wasn't the time or place for the soldier's version of tavern talk though Cory's mild version of that could at least be listened to by his father.
The seat next to Sebastian was still empty and he was a little subdued, which was not entirely unusual for him. There was no mistaking the absence of Greta, especially once she entered lighting up the room, some parts more than others. Her hair continued the bounce just a little longer than the rest of her as she took her seat.
Greta dominated the conversation for a while as easily as one of her solo cello pieces could dominate an orchestra house. As her exuberance subsided, Cory noticed Sebastian's lighter mood. Following a comment from Greta, Sebastian did something he rarely did, but when he did it, it always took everyone by surprise. A well observed wonderfully witty comment that made them all laugh. Greta was most enthusiastic by half. She gripped his wrist and used his arm to support her forehead while she recovered from laughter.
Their time at the tavern was coming to a close. Cory's conversation with all around the table, Julia equally so, had come easily and he had quite forgotten he was supposed to be considering how he should approach it.
Everyone stood to leave and Cory held open Julia's jacket as she slipped back into it. They were both heading the same way home so he offered his arm which she took with a smile. A slightly mischievous smile.

They walked a short way then Cory said in a light-hearted tone.
"You've discovered Greta."
Julia gave a little laugh.
"Greta discovered me."
"Of course," he chuckled back.
"An amazing piece you two played, quite different. I was transfixed, and I think Sebastian was too."
"Thank you, it is one of my favourite, er, lively pieces. I like lots of quieter pieces too."
"You seemed at home on the stage."
Julia gave him a quizzical look.
"I mean you seemed comfortable there,like that was where you belonged, in control."
"Yes, the job and the joy of playing is the same wherever you are from and whatever language you speak."
"You seem to have settled in, sorry I've not been around much this week."
"Do not worry, Greta came to my rescue, she has been showing me around. We have been clothes shopping and all kinds of those things." She was quiet for a few heartbeats before she asked.
"How were you yesterday? I saw you leave the funeral."
Cory looked at her and the frown of sympathy she wore countered his approaching melancholy.
"It was a rough day. Very strange. I'm all right today though."
They were almost at the lodge and the burning question that had been scrambling around Cory's mind all day finally escaped.
"Shall we take that horse ride down the valley tomorrow afternoon?"
The frown she had worn was now chased away by one of her smiles.
"I thought you might have forgotten."
"No chance," he grinned back.
Julia was now standing in the open doorway of the lodge; the moment to part had come.
She held out her hand. Cory wondered if she meant to shake hands but her palm was facing down. It was the second time he had stood in this doorway today and the memory of Pico's little smile at their handshake flashed through Cory's mind. The young general in the making began to sense a game. He looked up at Julia and there on her face in the international language of mischief was the kind of smile Sebastian had when he was up to something. His grandfather had been a master of that smile too.
This was a trap.
The sort that would be fun to walk into.
So he did.
He took her hand and kissed the back of it.
Not a great kiss considering the grin he couldn't keep off his face and he winked as he let go of her hand.
"See you in the stables after lunch," she said through the still present grin, and pulled off a convincing Greta bounce into the lodge and shut the door.    

[Chapter continues...]

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