Chapter Eleven: Lord Silver (part 1)

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The Battle of the South Nearhon Forest 1850
Kingdom Army of Valendo led by King-Consort General Garon Allus Artifex-Dendra. Deaths: approximately 1800
Kingdom Army of Nearhon led by General Magnar. Deaths: approximately 3400
Excerpt from the war histories of Valendo


"I've been having difficulty tracking you down your majesty."
Xolt claimed a front row seat next to Sebastian. Early morning light shot intense rays through the windows, but the bronze sun at the front of the church remained dull. There were no oil lamps lit to give it life. Xolt's manner was as meticulously groomed as his hair. His tone was conversational, he could have been enquiring about the price of pots in the market or asking how his grandsons were getting on with their studies.
Sebastian surfaced from his inner place in prayer. A place where he could dwell on simple things. Pray for sunshine, a good crop, favourable winds at sea, good fortune for the poor, give thanks for the new day, the still standing stones of the church and give thanks for the good health of his family. Ah, too late for that last prayer.
'Thanks be to God.'
There was sarcasm in the tone of his thoughts. Archpriest Ranold would tell him God had a long term plan. A plan that sent the odour of decaying flesh up Sebastian's nose. Prayer was a familiar place, he knew where he was and who he was. 'I must not lose faith'.
"I've been a bit busy."
His words were half croaked, the first he'd spoken in the day. He started to wonder how Jane was this morning. What chance the bright sunlight would prove to her the windows were spotless and streak free? What chance she would leave the bucket and cloths alone in the cupboard and do something else with her day? The churchyard would benefit from some gardening effort. Stronger late season flowers were pushing their way past early flowers that now wilted and died. The reds replacing the blues. Jane, his next stepping stone across the torrent of a new day. Sebastian cleared his throat.
"I hope you haven't come looking for answers to your questions. Whatever answers I had and my ability to find them went up in flames just recently."
"I believe most of my questions have become moot points considering events. What of appointing a new general?"
"My... remaining brother is unofficially appointed to the role and has summoned army units from the southern cities. We have an apparently self-appointed Archmage doing a good job of keeping the... er... walking dead at bay. And scaring the people while he is about it."
"It would be proper protocol for me to express my condolences and sorrow for your losses, but I'm a warrior who knows war comes with loss every day. I can't come to you saying 'sorry' every day."
"It might make me feel better if you did."
"Your highness, may I express my great sorrow for your loss. There. Did it work?"
Sebastian huffed.
"It's not entirely clear what we are at war with, there has been no declaration and no actual army to fight."
"King Klonag wasn't kind enough to declare war on Emiria before he came marching through our borders either. No respect for protocol that man."
Sebastian's eyes flicked up to Xolt's face looking for any signs of humour accompanying that statement. He found a faultlessly stern countenance looking back.
"I'm really not prepared for the position I find myself in," Sebastian admitted.
"I'm sure the crown can be a heavy burden."
Sebastian coughed a dry, humourless laugh.
"Ah, the irony. The crown I should be wearing rests on the head of the horror that was once my brother Pragius."
"That rumour is true then? Prince Pragius has become the... dead mage as people are calling him. How in the world..." Xolt cut himself short.
"...did this happen," Sebastian finished.
"We don't know, but with hindsight, Pragius hasn't really been himself for some time. Look, under the circumstances, I would understand if you felt it necessary to return home."
"Some of our citizens have and many more plan to. I shall remain. Don't forget we have a mutual defence pact. It wouldn't be much of a pact if Emiria withdrew all its people now."
"I don't think we have a copy of the pact document any longer."
"I'll start making arrangements for a replacement document to be drawn up. In the meantime what does Valendo need?"
"You would have to ask the general. He's the one at the heels of the Archmage that most of the citizens try to avoid. You can't miss him."

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