Prologue- Calum

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My parents and her parents were best mates, it was like having two sets of parents, so when I was around 4 years old and I found out her mum was pregnant with her, I was overjoyed! I felt like I was getting a little sister.

A few days after she was born, I saw her for the first time. I just looked at her, and I promised that from that day forward, I would always protect her.

Whenever I saw her, I would sing to her and she would just giggle while I sang.

When I was fifteen, me and three other lads (Ashton Irwin, Luke Hemmings, and Michael Clifford) started a band called 5 Seconds of Summer.

Amber would always tell me that she thought I would make it big. I never expected her to be right.

She met the lads after a couple of band rehearsals. They all really seemed to like her and she liked them.


One day, when I was 19, the band had to go to the studio to record new music, and Amber was supposed to meet me there.

She never showed up.

After about 20 minutes of waiting, I got out my mobile to call her. Before I could dial her number, someone was calling me.

I answered the phone.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hello, is this Calum Hood?" it was a woman's voice.

"Yeah, what's this about?"

"I'm sorry Mr. Hood, but your friend Amber has been in a really bad car accident. There was a drunk driver that hit her mother's side of the car. Her mother was killed on impact."

And that's when my heart stopped. I couldn't breath, I couldn't speak.

"Are you still there, Mr. Hood?" the woman asked.

"Y-yeah, is Amber okay?" I asked, and it was silent. I felt tears fall down my face.

"Is she okay!?" I shouted all choked up.

"She's in a coma, and we're not sure when or if she'll wake up. She suffered some severe head trauma, so if she does wake up, she most likely won't remember much."

This was all my fault. I wasn't with her. I didn't protect her like I promised myself I would. I had failed.

"Can I go see her?" I asked still crying.

"Well... if you come to the hospital right now, you can still see her before visiting hours are over."

"I'm on my way!" I said and hung up.

I ran to my car as fast as I could and drove off.


I got to the hospital and went to the front desk.

"I'm looking for Amber Smith's room."

"Second floor, first door on the left," the woman told me.

"Thank you," I said and ran.

I got to the room she was in and slowly opened the door. I was afraid to see her, to see my failure.

When I saw her, she just laid there, looking lifeless and damaged. She had cuts all over her face, and bruises everywhere else.

I hated myself for not keeping my promise.

I walked over to her bed, sat down, and took her hand.

"Hey, Amber. It's me, Calum. I know you probably can't hear me, but I heard that talking helps. I feel like I failed you. I made a promise to myself when you were born. I promised that I would always protect you. I'm so sorry. Ever since we started the band, I haven't been doing that. Then, this happens, and I hate myself for it. They also told me that when you wake up, you won't be able to remember much. You're my best friend, and I would hate if you forgot about me and these past 15 years. You always encouraged me to follow my dreams, and I'm doing that, because of you. I never thought I could lose you," I started to cry again, "I can't lose you! I'm gonna come here every single day and talk to you so that when you wake up, you might remember at least my name."

That was my new promise to myself. I would visit her every day until she woke up, and just tell her about recent events.


After about an hour, a nurse came in and told me that visiting hours were over and that I had to leave.

I got up out of the chair, leaned toward Amber, and kissed her forehead. When I pulled away, I looked at her face and noticed something. Amber was beautiful.

Even with all the cuts and bruises, she was beautiful. 'How have I never noticed that until now?' I thought to myself.

I left the room, and I drove to my flat.

That night, I just cried myself to sleep.


That was so sad! Well, I hope you guys liked the prologue for this fanfiction. Comment what you think and I'll post Chapter 1 when Are We Friends Or Are We More? is complete.

TODAY IS CALUM'S BIRTHDAY!!!! So, Happy 20th Birthday to Calum!!

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