Final Chapter- Calum

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5 years later...

It was mine and Amber's 6th anniversary. About 3 years after Niall and Ally's wedding.

Amber and I had been living together on our own for about 2 years, and I knew she wanted more, we had had our fights about it. However, she had no idea what I had been planning for a few weeks.


I was in mine and Amber's flat, making her a special dinner while I waited for her to get home from work.

After about 2 hours, I finally finished cooking and setting everything up. Then, Amber walked through the door.

"Cal, I'm home!" she shouted.

"In the dining room, babe!" I shouted back.

I heard her footsteps as she got closer to the dining room.

"Gosh, I'm starving. I hope you made dinner beca-" she started to say, but cut herself off when she saw my little set-up.

"Cal, what is all this?" she asked.

"Do you like it?" I asked nervously.

"Are you kidding? It's beautiful, I love it!"

I pulled a chair out for her and said, "Come sit down."

She smiled and sat in the chair.

"Happy Anniversary, babe," I said and kissed the top of her head.

"Happy Anniversary, Cal," she said back.


We were in the middle of dinner, and I said, "Amber, we need to talk."

"What's wrong, Calum?" she asked nervously.

"Amber, I love you. I love you more than you could possibly imagine. These past 6 years with you as my girlfriend have been amazing, but honestly, I don't think it's enough," I said.

"Where are you going with this, Calum?" she asked.

I pulled a velvet box out of my pocket and got down on one knee.

"It's not enough because I want you to be more than just my girlfriend, and I want to be with you for the rest of my life. So, will you make me the happiest man in the world by becoming my wife?" I asked and opened the box to reveal a diamond ring. (like the picture)

Her hand covered her mouth, and I could see a few tears coming from her eyes.

"Oh, Cal! Yes! A million times yes!" she exclaimed as I put the ring on her finger.

She got down on her knees, grabbed my face, and kissed me.

"I love you so much! I can't wait to be Mrs. Calum Hood" she said.

"I love you, too."


2 months later...

It was the day of our wedding. It was small, and we only invited our closest friends and family.

I had invited my mum and dad and the lads of One Direction. My best man was Ashton, and the rest of the groomsmen were Luke, Michael, and Amber's brother.

It was time for the bridesmaids to walk in. First, Amber's matron of honor, Ally. Then came my sister Mali, and a couple of her work friends.

Finally, it was the big moment. The moment I see my beautiful bride.

Her hair was loosely curled, her dress was white and long with a sparkly corset that hugged her figure perfectly, and she wore hardly any make-up. She was absolutely stunning.

She walked over to me, and I took her hand.

"You look beautiful," I told her, and she smiled.

The minister just went on and on until it was time to say our vows.

"Amber, you've been my best friend for almost 22 years, and you were my girlfriend for 6 of those years. I love you more than you could possibly imagine. I promise to keep loving you through the good and bad times until I die," I said as I shed a few tears.

"Calum, it wasn't until a few months ago that I remembered everything I had forgotten after that car accident all those years ago. I remember loving you years before. I remember telling myself that I'd never have a chance with you. Most of all, I remember you always being by my side, and protecting me when you felt I needed it. I promise to do the same with you. I will always love and cherish you through the good times and the bad. I know you will be an amazing father to our future child," she said as she put my hand to her stomach.

"Wait, you're...?"

"I'm 5 weeks in," she said smiling.


"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss your bride," the minister said.

"You don't have to tell me twice," I said, grabbed Amber's face, and kissed her.


That was the last chapter of this fanfiction. I hope you guys liked it! The epilogue will be posted Friday!

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