Chapter 4

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Pic above: Isabelle Clarissa Cullen.

The General Pov:
Finally I haven't been released  in almost 150 years it feels good to be out now to take the stupid cunt trying to hurt my mate. I roared a loud roar I saw all of my ex coven freeze not knowing who I am. Before anyone could stop me I grabbed the cunt by her neck and squeezed. "If you ever try and attack my mate or my child I swear not even the damn Major can stop me and trust me I'm way more dangerous than him and Ares combined there is a reason the Volturi don't fuck with what mine!!" I hissed in her face.
I dropped the stupid cunt on the floor. I hissed when I felt someone trying to move.
"Do not move unless I tell you to, oh and one more thing if anyone of you tries to mess with me or what's mine I will turn you to ash faster than you can blink!"
I said in eerily deadly yet calm voice. My Bella walked over to me and grabbed my hand and pulled me so that she situated in front of me with my arms around her.
"Calm down baby I'm fine no one can take me away from you, or Belle were yours no one can't take your place." She said quietly and then proceeded to kiss me on my neck to calm down. I did after awhile I still was not letting Carlisle out yet.
"General you can let Carlisle out baby I'm fine so is Belle."
I did not trust her I needed to see belle for myself then I could let Carlisle out. Bella tried to moved out of my arms but I tightened them around her.
"I'll be right back I'm gonna bring Belle down okay?"
She then looked at Esme who was frozen on the floor and hissed at her. "
Esme try to hurt my daughter and you won't have to worry about Carlisle hurting you cause I would killed before any one could move."
To prove her point she used one her gifts and casted a dark shield around her and squeezed her. It must of hurt cause she hissed in pain. With that my mate left to get my daughter. Bella came back downstairs in a minute holding a sleeping Belle. She chose that moment to open her eyes and smile right at me and reach for me. I scooped Belle right out of Bella arms and held her. I finally let Carlisle out.
Carlisle pov:
I opened my eyes to see Belle smiling at me. I kissed her forehead.
"Well now you know why the Volturi doesn't mess with me or what's mine."
"Welcome back babe." Said Bella as she kissed me on my lips.
I looked at my old coven and saw all sorts of emotions ranging from anger, betrayal, love, heartache, confusion, lust, and finally acceptance.
"Why would you never tell us Carlisle?" Said Alice.
"I couldn't do it because I'm ashamed of The General okay, because when I'm like that anything could happen and anyone could get hurt. I destroyed villages sure I didn't drain anyone but I have killed more people that care to. I finally had General under control I started being Doctor something I've always wanted, I had the best family a vampire could ask for all I was missing was true mate and I was okay. Then everything starts to unravel I had created Esme thinking she was my mate on,y I soon discovered she wasn't my actual mate but we stayed together helped each other out. I had already had created Edward but he ran off and was doing lord knows. Then he returns and I find Rosalie and changer her thinking she was Edward mate but I was wrong. Then she brings Emmett and said he is her mate and she wants me to change him. I almost didn't but then realize I made this way the least I could do was changed her mate for her. So I did everything once again was okay then Alice and Jasper joins and are family seems to being going well. Then we come to Forks and I meet my mate but I can't be with her because Edward thinks she is his mate. Then the whole James incident happens and that was a mess I almost lost my mate. Lord knows what I would have done if that had actually happened, then her birthday comes and Edward attacks her as has the nerve to blame Jasper not nice. Bit I help her with her arm and we wound up kissing and the next thing you know we made love that night after Edward dropped her off to hunt. Then we leave because I let Edward lead my coven. I start feeling the pull so bad one day I run all the way to Forks to get my mate only to find out she is in Alaska. I find her hear in Alaska and find out I have a daughter. Then I proposed she said yes and then my ex coven shows up and start caring issues. So yes I hid The General from you I'm not proud of it but I had to you guys wild have not thought the same you used now that you know what I was hiding I'm sorry."
I finished and sat down on the couch holding Belle and Bella came over and sat by me and later her head on my shoulder I wrapped my free arm around her.
"If you have some thing to say, say it but don't cuss and remember your in my house and you will respect my mate and my daughter if not you can leave. Don't let the door hit you were mother nature split you."
Rosalie opened her mouth but closed it. So then Edward opens his mouth say something and then stopped.

Who will speak first? Keep reading to find out what happens next on Isabella and Carlisle!


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