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Have you ever seen one of those movies where the nerd gets slammed onto the locker and you think that it's kind of cliche but at the same time it's kind of funny? Well i'm here to tell you that it's NOT and I should know because at this very moment this guy just like shoved me into my locker "accidentally" or as everyone thinks anyway.

But not much can bring me down today. For these reasons first Liz will be staying the night with me because her 22 year old older sister Alex, is getting married to Robin and Raven's 23 year old brother, Caleb. I'm happy about it because my best friends are going to be related and well of course I'm excited that Liz will be staying over but the thing that i'm most excited about is that I and all my friends will be apart of the wedding. If not for my relationship with both of the couples families I probably wouldn't even go but Caleb and alex wanted to have a large bridesmaid party. Myself Robin, Raven, Liz, Myself and Alexe's Five friends Carrie, Jenny, Shelly, Amber and Connie.

Well anyway I started to walk to my 2nd period class with Liz and Robin ( as Raven was out sick that day) As we walked to math Robin started singing a random song. As she sang the chorus of walking in a winter wonderland Liz and I gave in and started to sing. Right when we were at the part that says "Gone away is the Bluebird" a random guy threw a crumpled up piece of paper saying that we should go away like that bluebird and sing somewhere else. Well of course that only made us sing louder and to say the least not any prettier.

Along the way we picked up Liz's boyfriend Aiden Love. He's not really my type but he is a wonderful guy he is sweet, kind, generous, smart and just plain old funny. But I will admit that he does have his flaws and they are not huge but kind of big to me. Ok well he's not ugly or anything he isn't a pimply nerdy guy. but he is very geeky like me he carries around a large book and has a next to perfect photographic memory. So in conclusion he is kind of cute but the real awesomeness is in his heart and i can tell he really does like her.

We get to Robin and Aidens second period class and drop them off but not before Liz gives Aiden a big hug.

After we drop them off its a very short walk to my class where Liz drops me off right before I step inside she says "see you at lunch then I guess". "Ok see you then" I say with a smile.


Hey sorry for the very bad first chapter but trust me it will get much better soon I just need a little more inspiration to get it started. But I do admit that my friend is over and we're watching Catching Fire and i'm a little distracted I promise to try and make my chapters longer but in the meantime go and look at popyth45, hope_vs_love and shelby5 they are my bffs and are part of this story popyth is liz hope_vs_love is Robin and shelby5 is Raven And yes of course i'm Lynn. (BTW shelby and hope_vs_love are not really twins but I wanted them to be in the story

-Best wishes Krist_2

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