Two Weeks Later

26 1 4

Lynn's pov

"Strech you can do it more, farther, come on"

The theripist is yelling into my ear she thinks that I can do it but I can't. all she is asking is that I touch my toes, not a big deal right? Wrong. With a broken rib and leg your lucky if I can reach 6 inches to pick up a fork.

They keep saying that if I keep up the good work that I can go back to school Monday... it's Friday.

Liz started to go back to school Tuesday and is with her mom now.... her dad is still at the hospital, still in a coma. They don't know if he will ever wake up, if he doesn't before next Saturday they will have to talk about taking him off of life suport.

The thought makes me want to puke.


I wake up and stare at the ceiling and remember that I'm going to school today for the first time in 2 weeks.

I struggle to sit up but manage after only 4 tries then swing my legs over the bed and grab my crutches. I lift myself off my bed and get dressed in a white shirt and leggings to be comfortable.

I then go to the kitchen where my mom had already poured me a bowl of cereal. I ate a few bites before the bus came to pick me up.

My mom handed me my backpack and led me out side and helped me get up the stairs of the bus after my atempts failed.

The doors closed behind me and I started walking to an empty seat near the middle. suddenly my feet flew out from under me and I fell face first on the floor. I looked up with tears in my eyes to see a popular blond girl named Makala sneering at me. Every time I atempted to get up I fell again, the pain was almost blinding every part of my body pounding in pain but the worst part wasn't the pain it was that every single person on that school bus was laughing.

The bus driver finally noticed and helped me back up, picked up my crutches for me and led me to the nearest seat. He then asked if I was alright and I said yes even though my tearfull face was probably a dead giveaway that I was defenatly not.

I sat in silence the entire ride to school. When the bus stopped the driver told everyone to stay in their seats to let me off first. I went down the isle and the driver helped me down the stairs. I waited while everyone unloaded the bus stopping Makala before she could go into the school.

"Hey why did you do that"

"I have no idea what you are talking about"

"You purposely triped me and you know it"

"Mabey I did mabey I didn't"

Before I could get another word in she shashaed inside the school with that evil smirk on her face.
Robins POV
I've been back to school for the past week and a half. The only reason I was out for a few days was to spend time with Liz and Lynn. Raven came to school with me she just needs some help with holding her books.

Liz came back last week and seems to be holding up ok but I can tell that behind all that she's struggling, I mean who could bame her, I mean her dad is in a coma,may die, and on top of all that he cant even hear her.

But even though I'm worried about Lizes dad I am very exited because Lynn is finally coming back today. I mean I know she's in a lot of pain but I miss my best and closest friend.

When I step off the bus I go into the lobby and wait on her.
Lynn's POV
I limped into the lobby crying and Robin ran up to me

"What's wrong Lynn are you ok?"

I then explained exactly what happened

"Oh Lynn I'm sorry is there any way for me to help?"

"Pray for her, please"

Lizes POV
I sit beside my dad, holding his limp, lifeless, cold hand. It scares me, the doctors say he has a 25 percent chance of living and even though I still have some hope, 25 is not my favorite number right now.

My mom is doing better but I can tell she can't stand the fact that she may loose her husband, I mean who wouldn't. The worst part about this is that with things like cancer the victim can usually still  function enough to respond to the person talking to them, but if my father dies...... I will never get the chance to tell him goodbye or that I love him.

if you are still reading this (and are not my friends), then thanks for staying with this book. I promise to keep up with it better and I will start on my next chapter tomorrow.

If you are new thanks so much for reading!

So a lot has happened since last time I updated for one thing school has started back and I have started my role as our Christan club at schools treasurer and in fact we already a fourth of the way done with the school year!

Ok so I would appreciate it so much if you all would vote and comment so that I can see that 1 people like what I write 2 I can see that more than just my  friends read this,and 3 I have had some SERIOUS writers block and I need your help, I know what's going to happen on the next chapter but after that I   have like no idea, the last thing I will say to this long authors note is to share this with your friends and may God bless you!

                      In Christ's Love,

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Oct 15, 2016 ⏰

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