Journal Entry #3

18 1 0

Wednesday 12/16/15
Today during passing period (in between classes) I was walking outside (because our school is like a college campus) and when I turned the corner I saw a 7th grade boy getting beat up by an 8th grader! I dropped my binder and ran full speed toward the bully and rammed him up against a tree! I had NO control...It knocked the wind out of the bully and the 7th grader was so suprised he couldn't talk. When the bully got up again and threw a punch at me, I grabbed his arm and  twisted it as hard as I could and kicked him right in the baby-maker! He started crying like a toddler and I said "Doesn't feel good, does it?!" and the bully cried even harder. I turned around to help the 7th grader up and  as he reached for my hand he said "I saw your tail, I have a few at home. They don't match my theriotype's color though." I was so dumbfounded! The kid I helped is a Therian!!! Today was awesome! Haha! I (well, Ahiga) gave a bully the taste of his own medicine and I met a new friend!

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